Nationality, Language, Greeting
Where are you from?
De unde esti?
I am from Romania. I am Romanian.(I’m…)
Din Romania. Sunt roman.
What language do you speak?
Ce limba vorbesti?
I speak roumanian.
Vorbesc romaneste.
Hello. How are you?
Buna ziua. Ce mai faceti?
I am fine, thank you. And you?
Bine multumesc.Dumneavoastra?
Formal : How do you do?
Ce mai faceti?
Let me introduce myself. I am Jim.(I’m Jim)
Dati-mi voie sa ma prezint.Eu sunt Jim.
Glad to meet you. I am Diana.
Imi pare bine de cunostinta.sunt Diana.
What is your name?(what’s your name?)
Cum te cheama?
My name is Ben.(my name’s Ben)
Ma numesc Ben.
Vocabulary Nationality , Language
Nationalitate, limba
Present tense of the verb “to be”
I am
You are
She is
He is
It is
We are
You are
Thei are
Prezentul verbului “a fi”
eu sunt
tu esti
ea este
el este
ei sunt
voi sunteti
noi suntem
el/ ea este
Atentie : A se vedea lista de pronume de la Apendice 5
Aroud the clock
7:00 Good morning! Buna dimineata!
12:30 Hello ! Buna !
17:00 Good afternoon! Buna ziua!
20:00 Good evening! Buna seara!
23:30 Good night! Noapte buna!
Completati aceste cuvinte :
G—d a-------n .
I am R------n
w—t labguage do you speak?
H---o. how are you?
Good e-----g.
I speak E------.
Construiti 4 exemple conform modelului :
I am Romanian. I speak Romanian
- Hello Mona.
Buna Mona.
- Hello Jim.
Buna Jim
- Haw are you ?
Ce mai faci?
- I’m fine, thank you.
Bine multumesc.
- George, what is your job?
George, care este meseria ta?
- I am a doctor. I work in a hospital.
Sunt doctor. Lucrez intr-un spital.
- I’m not an architect. Peter is an atchitect.
Nu sunt arhitect. Peter este architect.
- Hello everybody. Glad to see you again.
Buna ziua tuturor. Ma bucur sa va revad.
- Glad to see you, too.
Si noi ne bucuram.
- Jhon, what is this?
Jhon , ce este aceasta?
- This is my new car.
Aceasta este noua mea masina
- And what is that?
Si ce este aceea?
- Oh, that is my old car.
A, aceea este veche mea masina.
THIS - acesta
- aceasta
THAT – acela
- aceea
THESE – acestia
- acestea
THOSE – aceia
- acelea
A cat o pisica
An apple un mar
The cat pisica
The apple marul
My phone number is :
0 1 3 2 5 2 7 6 9
Zero one three two five two seven six nine
Teacher professor
Driver sofer
Cook / chef bucatar
Operator centralist / a
Businessman om de afaceri
Doctor doctor
Nurse asistenta medicala
1 ………… 11 eleven
2 ………… 12 twelve
3 ………… 13 thirteen
4 four 14 fourteen
5 ………… 15 fifeteen
6 ………… 16 sixteen
7 ………… 17 seventeen
8 eight 18 eighteen
9 ………… 19 nineteen
10 ………… 20 twenty
a) : Scrieti a sau an si completati pronumele
1. You’re ………… artist and he is ………… taxi driver.
2. He’s …………… engineer..
3. She’s …………… shopkeeper.
b) Scrieti urmatoarele numere de telefon:
230 1283
51 133594
18 629394
c) Completati urmatorul dialog:
Hello , Jim.
Hello , Diana.
A Holiday Pistcard
- Dear Jim,
Draga Jim
- I am on this beautiful island.
Ma aflu pe o insula minunata.
- It is July, but tweather is cold.
Este iulie, dar vremea e rece.
- I leave on Thirsday.
Plec joi.
- I miss you a lot.
Mi-e foarte dor de tine.
- Yours, Diana.
Cu drag, Diana.
Days of the Week Zilele saptamanii
Weekdays: Monday luni
Tuesday marti
Wednesday miercuri
Thursday joi
Friday vineri
Saturday sambata
Sunday duminica
Seasons Anotimpuri
spring primavera
summer vara
autumn toamna
winter iarna
Numbers 21-100
21 – twenty-one
22 – twenty-two
23 – twety-three
24 – twenty-four
25 – twenty-five
26 – twenty-six
27 – twenty-seven
28 – twenty-eight
29 – twenty-nine
30 – thirty
31 – thirty-one
32 – thirty-two
33 – thirty-three
34 – thirty-four
35 – thirty-five
36 – thirty-six
37 – thirty-seven
38 – thirty-eight
39 – thirty-nine
40 - forty
50 - fifty
60 - sixty
70 - seventy
80 - eighty
90 – ninety
100 – one hundred
Island islands
Week weeks
Book books
ATENTIE : Majoritaea substantivelor formeaza pluralul cu “s”.
Uneori pronuntia se schimba!
Exemplu : Car cars (z)
Bus buses (iz)
Doctor doctors
Girl girls
Boy boys
Sheep sheeps
Friend friends
Hand hands
Bag bags
Dog dogs
Scrieti urmatoarele numere:
43 96 33 50 19 81
Descrieti pe scurt vremea din tara dumneavoastra:
There are ………………seasons in my country .
In………………the weather is………………with temperatures of 00.
In………………the weather is beautiful.
“Hello. My name is Diana. I have a large family. I have two sisters. Jane and Mary. I also have one brother, Max. His wife is Teresa. They have a little girl, Alice. Our parents, Chris and Sarah, love us all”.
-Buna. Ma numesc Diana. Am o familie numeroasa. Am doua surori, Jane si Mary. De asemenea, am un frate, Max. Sotia lui se numeste Teresa. Ei au o fetita, Alice. Parintii nostrii, Chris si Sarah, ne iubesc pe toti.
Tata father
Mama mother
Fiica daughter
Fiul son
Sora sister
Frate brother
Matusa aunt
Unchi uncle
Var/ verisoara cousin
Bunica grand-mother
Bunic grand- father
Familie family
Nepot nephew
Care este arboreal genealogic al familiei Dianei?
Cum se numesc rudele sotului / sotiei?
Exemplu : father – in law socru
Brother – in law cumnat
Affirmativ Positive
Eu cant la chitara. I play the guitar.
Ea canta la chitara. She plays the guitar.
Negativ Negative
Eu nu cant la chitara. I don’t play the guitar.
Ea nu canta la chitara. She doesn’t play the guitar.
Don’t = do not
Doesn’t = does not
What time is it? Cat este ceasul?
It’s five o’clock. Este ora cinci.
It’s five to two. Este ora doua fara cinci minute.
It’s five past five. Este ora cinci fara cinci minute.
It’s twenty – five past ten. Este ora zece si douacezi si cinci
A) Scrieti urmatoarele ore :
7:45 1:00 2:30 4:35 7:15
B) Traduceti in engleza:
In fiecare zi i-au micul si cina dejun impreuna cu familia.
Ea canta la pian si eu cant la chitara.
Parintii mei servesc pranzul la ora 1:30.
Sambata seara merg cu prietenii la cinematograf.
Duminica merg in vizita la bunici.
Likes and dislikes
During the week. Diana gets up at half past six. She has breakfast at seven. She goes to the office at eight. She has a short lunch around one o’clock. On Monday she usually watches her favourite TV series at sis o’clock. Friday is her short day. She has dinner at nine o’clock every day.
Program zilnic
In timpul saptamanii, Diana se trezeste la ora sase si jumatate. Ia micul dejun la ora sapte. Pleaca la birou la ora opt. In jurul orei unu ia pranzul. Lunea, , se uita in general la serialul TV preferat la ora sese. Vineri are zi scurta. Ia cina la ora noua in fiecare zi.
Breakfast mic dejun
Lunch pranz
Brunch o masa consistenta care inlocuieste si micul dejun si pranzul .
Dinner cina
Verbul la infinitive + terminatia “ing”
Exemplu : verbul sing (a canta)
Sing + ing singing
A TV programme for youth
Fear Factor was an American stunt/dare reality game show. It was originally created by Endemol Netherlands in the Netherlands and first aired on June 11, 2001.
The original Dutch version was called Now or Neverland. When Endemol USA and NBC adapted it to the American market in 2001, they changed the name to Fear Factor.
The show pits contestants against each other to complete a series of stunts better and/or quicker than all the other contestants, by doing this in the fastest time, for a grand prize of US$50,000.
From Seasons One to Five, the contestants were generally three men and three women, all playing for themselves, but in Season Six, the show moved to a permanent format of four teams of two people, each with a pre-existing relationship with one another, all playing for a shared prize of the same amount.
The show is hosted by comedian Joe Rogan, executive produced by Matt Kunitz and directed by J. Rupert Thompson. The theme music is composed and written by Russ Landau, while its incidental music is composed of rhythmic themes and cues most notably ripped from the popular game Half-Life.
As NBC's answer to the successful series Survivor, the show was initially a hit for the network in the summer of 2001, and built strong ratings for the next couple of seasons, but as the years passed, the ratings declined. In 2006, Fear Factor faced tough competition with TV ratings champion, the Fox talent series American Idol on Tuesday nights, and once again the ratings still declined. Despite much publicity concerning an improved format and better stunts for Season Six, NBC put the struggling program on hiatus for the remainder of the season to make room for the sitcom Joey, which was removed from the NBC lineup a few weeks later. NBC then canceled Fear Factor in May. The network began airing the remainder of the season on June 13, 2006, with the remaining episodes to be burned throughout the summer. [1] [2] In 2004, Fear Factor became the first network reality show to be syndicated. Over its six seasons, Fear Factor earned NBC a reported $600 million in advertising revenue
- How old are you?
- How tall am I ?
- No, how ald are you?
- Oh, sorry, I am eighty years old.
- Cati ani aveti?
- Cat de inalt sunt?
- Nu, cati ani aveti?
- A, scuzati-ma am optzeci de ani.
A dialog at the airport
- Excuse me?
- Yes?
- Are you Joe Brown?
- No, I’m not.
- Escuse me!
- Yes ?
- Are you Nora Park?
- Yes, I am.
- Hello, I’m Jacob Smith.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too. I have to take you to the hotel.
Un dialog pe aeroport
Sunteti cumva Joe Brown?
Sunteti Nora Park?
Buna ziua, eu sunt Jacob Smith.
Incantata de cunostinta.
Si eu sunt incantat de cunostinta. Trebuie sa va duc la hotel.
* Cand vreti sa atrageti atentia cuiva :
Escuze me ! scuzati-ma !
Cand nu auziti prea bine :
I beg your pardon? / Pardon? / Sorry? Poftim?
Cand vreti sa oferiti ceva cuiva :
Here you are……. Poftim……..
Tall inalt
Short scund
Fair blond
Dark brunet
Old batran; vechi
New nou
Young tanar
Ugly urat
Beautiful frumos
Expensive scump
High inalt(nu pentru personae)
Small, little mic
Thin slab
Fat gras
+ sign means add “plus” plus
- sign means substract “minus” minus
* sign means multiply “times” inmultit
: sign means divide “dividet by” impartit
= sign means equal “equal” egal
Numerele ordinale
1st first primul
2nd second al doi-lea
3rd third al trei-lea
4th fourth al patru-lea
Gradele de comparative ale adjectivelor
In general, in limba engleza, adzectivele care au o singura silaba formeaza gradele comparative si superlative cu “er” si “est”.
Exemplu: beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
Adjectivele cu o singura silaba sau mai multe, terminate in “Y” preiau forma celor scurte pentru comparative si superlative.
Exceptii : good better the best
little less the least (vezi Apendice 4)
Today azi
Yesterday ieri
Tomorrow maine
The day after tomorrow poimaine
Day zi
Year an
Month luna
Exercitiul 6.1
A) There are 12 mounths. February is the second mounth if the year. What is the eight?
B) Put yhese in the correct order :
Spring – August
- March
- November
Summer - June
- December
- September
C) Replace the signs and numbers with words :
2 to 2 = 4
8*4 =32
9:3 = 3
10-5 =5
Exercitiul 6.2
Describe your favourite actor / actress.
Structure :
Subiect plus infinitivul verbului.
I / You / We / They + verbul la infinitiv
He / She / It + verbul + “s” / “es”
Negative :
Subiect plus doesn’t plus infinitivul verbului .
I / You / We / They + don’t + infinitivul verbului
He / She / It + doesn’t + infinitivul.
Interrogative :
Question word (intrebrea) Do I / Do you / Do we / Do they + infinitivul verbului?
Question word (intrebarea) Does he / Does she / Does it + infinitivul verbului.
Exemplu :
La ce ora pleci la birou de obicei?
What time do you usually go to the office?
Soarele nu straluceste cand esti trist.
The sun doesn’t shine when you are sad.
Vorbeste bine engleza si are doar unspreceze ani.
She speaks English well and she is only eleven.
Cuvinte care formeaza intrebarile.
Completati spatiile libere cu traducerea corespunzatoare .Ce?
1. What ? Ce?
What he is writing?
He is writing a report.
What is your father?
He is a journalist.
What color is your new suit (costum).
It is dark blue.
2. Who? Cine?
Who is sing in the bathroom?(baie)
Cine cant in baie?
My brother is.
Fratele meu.
3. Whom? Pe cine?
Whom are you scolding?
Pe cine certi?
I am scolding my sister.
O cert pe sora mea.
4. Whose? A cui?
Whose bracelet isthis?
A cui este bratara ?
It is my bracelet. / it is mine.
E bratara mea. / A mea.
5. Where? Unde?
Where is he?
He is in the office.
Unde se afla el?
Este in birou.
Where are you going?
I am going to school.
Unde te duci?
Ma duc la scoala.
6. Why? De ce?
Why is she angry?
Because she doesn’t have any friends.
De ce este suparata?
Pentru ca nu are prieteni.
7. How? Cum?
How is she?
She is fine.
Cum este ea?
E ste bine.
How are you going to France?
By plane.
Cum te vei duce in Franta?
Cu avionul.
8. When? Cand ?
When is she leaving?
Next week.
Cand pleaca?
Saptamana viitoare.
9. How many? Cati / cate?
How mach? Cat de mult?
How many people are there in the waiting room?
Cate persoane sunt in camera de asteptare?
How munch are the tulips? They are 1 leu.
Cat costa lalelele? Costa 1 leu.
Exercitii :
1. Raspundeti cu adevarat (A) sau fals (F) :
a) Mary is sarah’s sister ?
b) Diana is Jane’s mother?
c) Chris is Mary’s father?
d) Chris is Diana’s husband?
2. Alegeti cuvantul potrivit :
a) I am Romania / Romanian.
b) Am / are / is you Romanian?
c) She / is / are from Japan.
3. Care este numarul ce nu are corespondent scris in litere? Incercuiti-l.
81 64 49 35 21 19
Sixty four Fourty nine Eighty one Nineteen Twenty one
SHOPING La cumparaturi.
Vanzatoarea : Va pot ajuta cu ceva?
Jim : Sigur. Puteti. Caut un cadou pentru nepotul meu. Aveti vreo sugestie? Are zece ani.
Vanzatoarea : Ce spuneti de o papusa?
Jim : O, nu. Baietii nu se joaca cu papusile.
Vanzatoarea : O bicicleta sau un ceas de mana?
Jim : O bicicleta este un cadou frumos. Vad multi copii mergand cu bicicleta in zona unde sta el. As putea sa o vad?
Vanzatoarea : Sigur. Sper sa ii placa.
Shop assistant : Can I help you?
Jim : of course you can. I am looking for a gift for my nephew. Can you suggest something? He is ten years old.
Shop assistant : How about a doll?
Jim : boys do not play with dolls.
Shop assistant : A bike or a watch?
Jim : A bike is a nice gift. I see many children on bike in his neighbourthood. May I have a look at it?
Shop assistant : Certainly. I hope he like it.
Hot Tips
Can I help you? / What can I do for you?
Va pot ajuta? Cu ce va pot ajuta?
May a have a look at…………
Ma pot uita la………………………?
Jim : Diana, ce faci acum?
Diana : Nimic.
Jim : Vrei sa vii cu mine? Ma duc la cumparaturi.
Diana : O, minunat. Mergem la Mall?
Jim : de ce nu? Ce ai de gand sa cumperi de acolo?
Diana : Vreau sa cumpar ceva pentru tata. Maine este ziua de nastere a tatalui meu. Vreau sa-i cumpar ceva deosebit.
Jim : bine! Sa mergem !
Jim : Diana, what are you doing?
Diana : Nothing.
Jim : I’m going shopping. Do you want to come?
Diana : Oh, it sounds wonderful. Are we going to Mall?
Jim : Why not? What are you going to buy there?
Diana : I want to buy something for my father. Tomorrow is my father’s birthday. I want to give him something special.
Jim : O.K. them ! let’s go now !
Top tips :
Do you want to……………?
Let’s ( let us)………………
It sounds wonderful……
Have a good time.
Vrei sa………………….?
Hai sa…………………….
Suna grozav………….
Distractie placuta !
1. Where is Jim?
2. Is Jim a shop assistant?
3. What is he looking for?
4. Is he buying a doll?
5. Why isn’t he buying a doll?
6. What is he buyng then?
7. Will his nephew like the gift?
8. Will abicycle be a nice gift?
9. How old is his nephew?
1. What is Diana doing?
2. Who invites Diana to go shopping?
3. Where are they going?
4. Does Diana like going there?
5. Is Diana guying something there?
6. Whom is she buying it for?
7. It is a birthday present?
8. When is Diana morher’s birthday?
9. Is tomorrow Diana’s birthday?
10. Whose birthday is it?
Jim : Unde ai fost in vacanta trecuta?
Diana : Am mers la munte cu copiii, dar sotul meu nu a venit cu noi.
Jim : De ce? A fost ocupat?
Diana : Da, a fost foarte ocupat.
Jim : V-ati simtit bine?
Diana : O, a fost atat de obositor! Copiilor le-a placut. Au facut o multime de lucruri. S-au cataract ore intregi, apoi s-au intors in oras.
Jim : Nu ai facut cumparaturi acolo?
Diana : Erau preturi prea mari. Si nu am vrut sa-mi las copiii sa-si cheltuiasca banii acolo.
Jim : Where did you go last holiday?
Diana: I went to the mountains whit my children, but my husband didn’t come whit us.
Jim : Why? Was he busy?
Diana : Right. He was very busy.
Jim : Did you have a good time?
Diana : Oh, it was so tired! The children enjoyed their holiday. Thei were very active. Thei climbed for hours, then came back to town.
Jim : Didn’t you shop there?
Diana : The prices were high. And I didn’t weant to let my children spend their money there.
Structure : Subiect + forma a II-a a verbului de conjugat
Negative : Subiect + didn’t + Infinitivul verbului de conjugat.
Interrogative : ( question words) Did + Subiect + infinitivul verbului de conjugat.
Exercitii :
They saw an elephant on their way home yesterday.
( see – saw – seen )
Ieri, in drum spre casa au vazut un elefant.
Did he visit you last night?
Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
Te-a vizitat azi-noapte?
Da, m-a vizitat. / Nu, nu m-a vizitat.
Was / Were = forma trecuta a verbului “to be” (am/ is/ are)
Diana : Ce vei face in Ianuarie? Iti vei lua zile libere?
Jim : Bineinteles. Voi merge la munte cu prietenii. Vom schia.
Diana : Unde veti merge?
Jim : La Predeal. Vom fi o gasca mare. Vrei sa vii si tu cu noi?
Diana : What will you do in Jenuary? Will you take some days off?
Jim : I certainly will. I will go to the mountains whit my friends.
Diana : Where will you go?
Jim : To predeal. We well be many friends. Do you want to join us ?
Future simple. Viitorul Simplu.
Structure : Subiect + Shall / Will / ‘ll
Negative : Subiect + Shall/ Will / Shan’t / Won’t
Interrogative : Shall / Will + subiect + infinitivul verbului de conjugat
In engleza actuala se remarca tendinta de generalizare a formei “will” la toate persoanele. “Shall” se foloseste mai ales cand se fac oferte de ajutor.
Exemplu :
Shall I help you whit the dishes?
Sa tea jut cu vasele?
Exercitil 8
1. Where did Diana go last holiday?
2. Whom did she go there with?
3. Did her husband go with her?
4. Why didn’t he go with her?
5. Was her husband busy?
6. Did Diana enjoy her holiday?
7. How did Diana and her children spend their holiday?
8. Did they go shopping there?
9. Why didn’t they go shopping?
Tom : Ce avem la cina, Nicole?
Nicole : O sa prajesc niste peste.
Tom : Nu, nu vreau peste. Am mancat ieri peste. Ce ai spunde sa mergem la restaurant?
Nicole : Buna idea. S-a deschis un restaurant nou aproape de noi…
Tom : Bine, hai sa mergem acolo in seara asta. Bob prietenul meu , mi-a spus ca a fost saptamana trecuta la restaurant si a luat doua fripuri la pretul uneia singure.
Nicole : Cum era friptura? Era delicioasa?
Tom : Da. E o masa delicioasa si indestulatoare.
Nicole : Abia astept sa mancam acolo.
Tom : What’s for dinner, Nicole ?
Nicole : I’m going to fry some fish.
Tom : No, I don’t want any fish. I had eated fish yesterday. How about going to the restaurant.?
Nicole : That’s a good idea. There is a new restaurant nearby.
Tom : Ok. Let’s go there tonight. My friend Bob told me he went to the restaurant last week and had two steaks price for one.
Nicole : How about the steak? Was it delicious?
Tom : Oh, yes. It’s a delicious and filling meal.
Nicole : I’m looking forward to dining there.
Hot tip :
I’m looking forward…………….. De-abia astept sa…………..
Vocabulary :
Food Mancaruri
Soup supa
Steak friptura
French fries / chips cartofi pai / prajiti
Scrambled eggs omleta
Stew tocanita
Pudding sufleu / budinca
Cake prajitura
Pancake clatita
Donought / donnut gogoasa
Exercitiul 9.1
1. Is Nicole going to fry any fish?
2. Why isn’t Nicole going fry any fish?
3. Why doesn’t Tom want to have fish?
4. Where are they going to have a dinner?
5. Is it a good idea to have dinner at a restaurant?
6. What will they order?
7. Who told them that steak was delicious?
8. Does Nicole look forward to having dinner there?
9. Is it a new or an old restaurant?
Nicole : Ce comandam, Tom?
Tom : Eu o sa iau o friptura de vita. Restaurantul acesta e renumit pentru fripturi. Si tu?
Nicole : Si eu la fel. Mai vreau porumb si mazare.
Tom : O, mazarea imi place foarte mult. Si ce bei?
Nicole : Ce-mi recomanzi? Care este specialitatea casei?
Tom : Vinul alb, poate. Multa lume vine aici la un pahar de vin alb.
Nicole : O.k then. Everything you say mekes me hungrier.
Nicole : What are we going order, tom?
Tom : I want some beef steak. The restaurant is famous for the steak. How about you?
Nicole : So do I. I also want some corn and peans’.
Tom: Oh, peas is my favourite. And what do you want to drink?
Nicole : What do you suggest? What is this place famous for?
Tom : For its white wine, maybe. People come hire to have some white wine.
Nicole : O.k then. Everything you say makes me hungries.
Hot tips :
Famous for? Renumit/ a
To be going to….. a avea de gand sa……..
Exercitiul 9.2
1. Where are Nicole and Tom ?
2. What does Nicole want to order?
3. Does Tom order steak too?
4. Why do order bouth of them steak?
5. What do they want to drink ?
6. Is the restaurant famous for this drink?
Jane : Buna dimineata! As vrea sa ma prezint. Sunt Jane, noua dumneavoastra vecina. Locuiesc alaturi.
Tom : Ma bucur sa va cunosc.
Jane : Si eu ma bucur sa va cunosc. De cand locuiti aici? Nu v-am mai vazut pana acum.
Jane : Locuiesc aici de doua luni. M-am mutat din Nepal. Acum lucrerz aici. Brighton mi se pare un oras in care e placut sa locuiesti. Apropo, de cat timp stati aici?
Tom : Aici in Brighton, o, de ani de zile. Aici m-am nascut si n-am de gand sa ma mut in alta parte. Imi place orasul acesta.
Jane : Aveti dreptate. Brighton este un oras vechi, dar foarte frumos. Unchiul meu locuieste aici de cativa ani si ii place foarte mult viata de aici. Sunteti norocos ca aveti sansa de a locui in acest oras.
Jane : Good morning. Let me introcduce myself. I am Jane, your new neighbourg.
Tom : Glad to meet you.
Jane : Glad to meet you,too.
Tom : How long have you been living here? I haven’t seen you before.
Jane : I have been living here for two months. I have just moved from Nepal. I am working here now. I think Brighton is a nice place to live in. By the way, how long have you been living here?
Tom : Here. In Brighton, for ages. I was born here and I don’t have any intention to move to another place. I like this city.
Jane: You’re right. Brighton is on old but very beautiful city. My uncle has been living here for a few years and he loves living here. You’re lucky to have the chance to live in this city.
Hot tips :
By the way…. Apropo / ca tot veni vorba……
Country tara
City / town oras
Village sat
District sector
Have been + for / since
Exemplu :
I have been living for 10 years ( perioada de timp)
I have been since January / yesterday / Tuesday ( timp precizat)
Exercitiul 10
1. Who lives next to Tom ?
2. Is Tom Jane’s neighbour?
3. Has Tom met Jane before?
4. How long has Jane been living in that area?
5. Where did she live before?
6. What is she doing in Brighton now?
7. Does she like the city?
8. Where was Tom born?
9. Does he want to move to another city?
10. Whose uncle has been living in Brighton for a few years?
Roxane : Ce faci seara?
Michael : Intotdeauna citesc reviste sau romane. Iti place sa citesti?
Roxane : Nu prea. Mie imi place sa cos.
Michael : Iti cosi singura toate rochiile?
Raxane : Bineinteles. Sunt fericita ca am o masina de cusut atat de buna. Sunt sigura ca tu nu stii sa cosi.
Michael : Barbatii urasc sa coasa. Cere prea mult timp.
Roxane : Cred. Dar e placut. Vreau sa fiu croitoreasa intr-o buna zi.
Michael : Este o idée buna.
Roxane : What do you do in the evening?
Michael : I always read magazines or novels. Do you like reading?
Roxane : Not really. My hobby is sewing.
Michael : Do you sew all your dresses yourself?
Roxane : Certainly. I am glad that I have a sewing machine. I am sure that you can sew.
Michael : Man hate sewing. It takes too much time.
Roxane : I thing so. But it is pleasant. I want to be a dressmaker someday.
Michael : That’s a good idea.
Hot tips :
It takes dureaza
It takes 3 hours to get to Brasov. Dureaza 3 ore sa ajungi in Brasov.
Kate : Buna ziua, domnule doctor!
Doctorul : Buna ziua, luati loc va rog!
Kate : Va multumesc.
Doctorul : Cum va simtiti astazi?
Kate : Destul de bine! Dar am probleme cu gatul, ma doare.
Doctorul : Cand a inceput sa va doara?
Kate : Acum trei sau patru zile. Ma doare cand inghit.
Doctorul : Dati-mi voie sa va examinez.
Kate : Ce credeti, am probleme?
Doctorul : Nu, nu e ceva prea serios. Va voi da un medicament si o injectie. Puteti lua medicamentul de la farmacie. Sper ca veti fi din nou in forma in cateva zile.
Kate : Good afternoon, doctor!
Doctor : Good afternoon! Have a seat, please!
Kate : Thank you.
Doctor : How are you today?
Kate : Not too bad. But I have problem whit my nek, it hurts me.
Doctor : When did it start to hurt you?
Kate : Three ot four days ago. It hurts me when I swallow.
Doctor : Let me examine you.
Kate : What do you think? Am I o.k?
Doctor : Is not serious. I’ll give you a medicine and an injection. You can get your medicine at the chemist’s. Hope that you’ll be in good condition again in a few days.
Exercitiul 11.1
1. Who likes reading magazine?
2. Does Roxane like reading or sewing?
3. Does Roxane sew her own dresses?
4. Can Michael sew?
5. Why can’t Michael sew?
6. Whose sewing machine is good?
7. Does sewing take a lot of time?
8. What does Roxane think about sewing?
9. What does Roxane want to be?
10. Does Roxane want to be a photographer?
Exercitiul 11.2
1. Who felt rater ill?
2. What happened to her?
3. Was she seriously ill?
4. Who examined her?
5. Did he give her an injection?
6. Will she be o.k. soon?
Vamesul : Fiti amabila, doamna. Va pot vedea pasaportul, va rog?
Diana : Poftim.
Vamesul : Unde ati fost?
Diana : In Spania.
Vamesul : Cat timp ati lipsit din tara?
Diana : Trei saptamani.
Vamesul : Aveti de declarat bauturi alcoolice?
Diana : Nu, nu am asa ceva.
Vamesul : Bine, atunci va rog sa treceti.
Diana : Multumesc.
Customs official : Excuse me, madam. May I see your passport, please?
Diana : Here you are.
Customs official : Where have you been?
Diana : I’ve been to Spain.
Customs official : How long have you been out of the country?
Diana : Three weeks.
Customs official : Do you have any alcoholic beverages to declare?
Diana : No, I do not have anything of that kind.
Customs official : O.k., then please go forward.
Diana : Thank you.
Diana : Fiti amabil. Ma puteti ajuta?
Politistul : Desigur. Ce pot face pentru dumneavoastra?
Diana : Caut Hotelul Central. Am plecat de la hotel in dimineata aceasta ca sa vizitez imprezurimile, dar m-am pierdut.
Politistul : Inteleg. Aratati-mi numele strazii, va rog.
Diana : A, ce norocoasa sunt! Am luat cu mine cartea de vizita a hotelului. Poftim.
Politistul: Acesta este un hotel nou. E destul de departe de aici. Mergeti pe strada pana veti gasi magazinul de bijuterii, apoi o luati la dreapta. Veti ajunge la statia de autobus si veti lua autobuzul numarul 9. Trece prin fata hotelului dumneavoastra.
Diana : Deci pot coborâ în faţa hotelului?
Poliţistul : Fireşte. Dar nu este atât de aproape încât să o luaţi pe jos. De aceea vă sugerez să luaţi autobuzul.
Diana : Vă mulţumesc pentru ajutor.
Diana : Excuse me, can you halp me?
Policeman : Of course. What can I do for you?
Diana : I am looking for the Central Hotel. I left my hotel this morning to go sight – seeing, but I got lost.
Policeman : I see. Please show me the name of the street.
Diana: Oh, how lucky I am! I brought my hotel card whit me. Here you are.
Policeman : This is a new hotel. It is rather far from here. You walk down the street till you find the jewel shop, then turn right. You will get to the bus stop and take the bus number 9. it passes your hotel.
Diana : So I can stop just in front of the hotel?
Policeman : Certainly. But it’s not within walking distance. That’s why I suggest you to take the bus.
Diana : Thanks for your halp.
Hot tips :
To do sight – seeing a vizita imprezurimile
Can you do me a favour…. Ma puteti ajuta?
La o reuniune
Diana : Buna Tim. Ce mai faci?
Tim : Bine, multumesc. Dar tu?
Diana : Bine si eu. Cu cine esti aici?
Tim : Cu logodnica mea.
Diana : Unde e ea acum?
Tim : Acolo, cu niste prieteni. Ce parere ai de reuniunea noastra scolara?
Diana : Minunat. Toti vechii mei prieteni sunt aici. Ai intalnit-o pe profesoara de anatomie?
Tim : Nu.
Diana : Arata atat de tanara pentru varsta ei. A stat doi ani in strainatate.
At a reunion
Diana : Hi Tim. How are you?
Tim : Fine, thanks. And you?
Diana : Fine, too. With who are you here?
Tom : Whit my fiancée.
Diana : Where is she now?
Tim : There, whit some friends. What do you think of this school reunion?
Diana : Wonderful. All my old friends are here. Have you met our anatomy teacher?
Tim : No, I haven’t.
Diana : She looks so young for her age. She has been abroad for two years.
Fiancé/ fiancée logodnic/ a
Exercitiul 12.1
1. Where did the conversation take place?
2. Where does a customs official usually work?
3. Where has Diana been?
4. Did Diana have anything to declare?
5. What had to be declared to the customs official?
6. What did Diana show to the customs official?
Exercitiul 12.2
1. Was Diana in trouble?
2. What happened to Diana ?
3. Whom did Diana ask for help?
4. Did he help her?
5. Did Diana know the name of the street?
6. What did Diana bring with her?
7. How was the hotel?
8. Was the hotel far from where Diana was?
9. How did Diana go back to the hotel?
10. Where could she stop?
Exercitiul 12.3
1. Whom did Diana see at the reunion?
2. What was Tim’s fiancée doing at that time?
3. Was the reunion wonderful?
4. Whom could Diana meet there?
5. Who looked so young?
6. How tong did she stay abroad?
I am…
You are…
He / she / it is…
We are…
You are…
They are…
Nume : Name :
El este Tim His name is Tim
Ocupatia : Occupation :
Sotul meu este professor My husband is a professor.
Varsta : Age :
Tatal lui are 50 de ani. His father is fifty years old.
Nationalitate : Nationality :
Nakamoto este japonez. Nakamoto is japonese.
Locatia : Place :
Ei este in casa. They are in the house.
Jim : Tim, da-mi voie sa ti-o prezint pe sora mea, Diana .
Tim : Incantat de cunostinta, Diana.
Diana : Incantata de cunostinta, Tim. Ma bucur sa te cunosc.
Tim : Si eu ma bucur. Am aflat ca esti secretara.
Diana : Da. Tu cu ce te ocupi?
Tim : Sunt professor. Predau germana la universitate.
Diana : Esti englez?
Tim : Nu, sunt American. Dar tu ce nationalitate esti?
Diana : Sunt frantuzoaica. Lucrez pentru o companie franceza.
Tim : Dar vorbesti foarte bine engleza.
Diana : Nu cred. Inca invat limba.
Jim : Tim, let me introduce you my sister, Diana.
Tim : How do you do, Diana?
Diana : I’m fine, Tim. I’m glad to meet you.
Tim : Glad to meet you, too. I hear you are secretary.
Diana : Yes. And what is your job?
Tim : I am a professor. I teach German at the university.
Diana : Are you English?
Tim : No, I am American. And what is your nationality?
Diana : I am French. I work for a French company.
Tim : But you speak English so well!
Diana : I don’t think so. I am still learning the language.
Exercitiu :
a) Who is Jim’s sister?
What nationality is Diana?
Where does Diana work?
Does Diana speak English fluently?
Does Diana work for a French company?
b) Completati urmatoarele propozitii :
Diana is………………………………………………
John is ………………………………………………
c) True or false ?
Jim is a secretary?
Diana works for her brother.
Jim has never seen Diana before.
Forma a II a Forma a III a
Infinitive Traducerea Past Tense Past participe
Be A fi Was / were been
Begin A incepe Began Begun
Break A sparge Broke Broken
Burn A arde Burnt / burned Burned
Build A construe Built Built
Catch A prinde Caught Caught
Cut A taia Cut Cut
Choose A alege Chose Chosen
Come A veni Came Come
Creep A se strecura Crept Crept
Cost A costa Cost Cost
Do A face Did Done
Drink A bea Drank Drunk
Drive A conduce Drove Driven
Draw A desena Drew Drawn
Dream A visa Dreamt Dreamt
Eat A manca Eat Eaten
Feel A simti Felt Felt
Fight A lupta Fought Fought
Forget A uita Forgot Forgotten
Freeze A ingheta Froze Frozen
Find A gasi Found Found
Feed A hrani Fed Fed
Fly A zbura Flew Flown
Go A merge Went Gone
Get A primi Got Gotten
Give A da Gave Given
Grow A creste Grew Grown
Have A avea Had Had
Hurt A lovi Hurt Hurt
Kneel A ingenunchia Knelt Knelt
Know A sti Knew Known
Let A lasa Let Let
Lay A asterne Laid Laid
Lie A minti Lay Lain
Mean A insemna Meant Meant
Mistake A gresi Mistook Mistaken
Put A pune Put Put
Ring A suna Rang Rung
Say A spune Said Said
Seek A cuta Sought Sought
Sell A vinde Sold Sold
Send A trimite Sent Sent
Set A potrivi Set Set
Sing A canta Sang Sung
Sleep A dormi Slept slept
Smell A mirosi Smelt Smelt
Speak A vorbi Spoke Spoken
Spread A imbratisa Spread Spread
Spend A cheltui Spent Spent
Swear A jura Swore Sworn
Sweep A curata Swept Swept
Take A lua Took Taken
Tear A rupe Tore Torn
Teach A preda Taught Taught
Tell A spune Told Told
Think A gandi Thought Thought
Throw A arunca Threw Thrown
Weep A plage Wept Wept
Write A scrie Wrote Written
Wear A purta Wore worn
Exista in limba engleza cateva substantive al caror plural nu se formeaza prin adaugarea literei “s” sau a grupului de litere “es”, asa cum am vazut ca se intampla cu majoritatea substantivelor. Pentru ca nu se respecta regula formarii pluralului, ele se numesc substantive neregulate.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Child Children Copil Copii
Deer Deer Caprioara Caprioare
Foot Feet Picior Picioare
Goose Geese Gasca Gaste
Louse Lice Paduche Paduchi
Mouse Mice Soarece Soareci
Ox Oxen Bou Boi
Tooth Teeth Dinte Dinti
Woman Women Femeie Femei
Gradul pozitiv Comparative Superlative
Good (bun) Better The best
Bad (rau) Worse The worst
Little (mic) Less The least
Many (mult) More Most
Old (batran) (mai mare) Older / elder Oldest / eldest
Late (tarziu) Later last
Far (departe) Farther /further farthest
Near (aproape) Nearer Nearest (next)
Pronumele personal in cazul nominative (subjective)
Pronume personal in cazul acuzativ sau dativ (objective)
Adjective posesiv (possessive adjective)
Subiect Subjective Objective Possessive
Adjective Possessive
Eu I Me My Mine
Tu You You Your Yours
El He Him His His
Ea She Her Her Her’s
El / ea It It Its Its
Noi We Us Our Ours
Voi You You Your Yours
Ei They Them Their theirs
Pronumele posesiv