Level I
Teacher : Marius Vasile
G. Are they pilots? Yes, they, are pilot. No, aren’t pilots.
The calendar is on the wall. The students are in the lab. The pen is under the table.
sit a sta asezat; a sedea at de la; in; la; pe
in in; la; din o'clock
on in; pe; la blackboard tabla de scris
calendar calendar chalckboard tabla de scris
day in cursul zilei; ziua desk catedra; masa de scris; birou
dialog convorbire; dialog map harta
sound rasuna; sunet; a suna; zgomot time vreme; timp
today azi; in zilele noastre tomorrow ziua de maine; maine
wall intaritura; perete; zid week saptamana
weekend sfarsit de saptamana Sunday duminica
Monday luni Tuesday marti
Wednesday miercuri Thursday joi
Friday vineri
Saturday simbatastand a sta in picioare; impotrivire; a se opune
put trecut/part.trecut de la put; a instala; a pune
box box; a boxa; cutie; a inchide; loja
under sub influenta; mai jos de; mai putin de; sub; sub regimul; dedesubt; subaltern; inferior
Are you student? Yes, I'm a student. No, I'm not a stedent.
Is she teacher? Yes, she's a teacher. No, she is not a teacher. No, she isn't a teacher.
Is this a pencil? Yes this is a pencil. No, this isn't a pencil.
Are they doctors? Yes, they'rea doctors. No, they aren't doctoes.
Is she a cook? No, she's not a cook'
Am I a teacher? No, you're not a teacher.
That's a map. That'e a wall. That's a chair.that's a door.
The pencil is under the table. The clock is on the wall. Two desks are in the classroom.
The map is on the wall. The book is on the table. The picture is on the wall.
What's on the wall? A map is on the wall.
What's is on the table? A box is on the table.
What's under the table? Two pictures are under table.
What's in the desk? Pencils are in the desk.
What's under the desk 'Four books are under the desk.
What's in the classroom? A calendar ic in the classroom.
What's on the chair? Three pens are on the chair.
What's on the wall? A blackboard in on the wall.