English Language Course for Beginers(Curs Limba Engleză pentru Începatori) by Marius Vasile

 Text: Unde locuim (2)
 Conversatie: Inchiriezi un apartament (2)
 Conversatie: Te muti (3)
 Vocabular (3)
 Pronumele si adjectivele nehotarate (4 – 5)
 Inlocuitori pentru verbele modale (5)
 Exercitii (6 – 7)
 Zodiac – Capricornul (8)
 Cuvinte incrucisate (8)
 Proverbe (8)

Many Americans live in apartment buildings, especially young adults and people whose income is either low or fixed. Generally speaking, it is less expensive to rent an apartment than to own a house. Advantages include the fact that you are not responsible for upkeep of the apartment, the building, or the grounds. Disadvantages are that you have little control over increases in your rent and that you are not building up any equity in your property.
When renting you will probably be asked to sign a lease, which is a sort of contract obligating you to pay rent for a fixed period of time (normally a year). You will also be asked to pay two month’s rent at the outset or some form of security deposit in case of damage to the apartment.
In most cases, the cost of water and sewerage is included in your rent. You will have to pay the other utilities, such as electricity, gas, and telephone.
You look through the classified ads in newspaper, then start calling.

You: Hello, I’m calling about an apartment. I’d like to rent a furnished, two-bedroom place.
1st apartment Manager: We have one furnished apartment left. It’s air-conditioned and rents for $575 per month.
You: Are the utilities included?
1st apartment Manager: The water is, but not the gas and electricity.
You: That’s a little more than I wanted to pay. Thanks anyway.
You hang up and call another apartment complex.
2nd apartment Manager: Hello, Breezeway Manor Apartments, how may I help you?
You: Do you have a furnished, two-bedroom apartment in the $400 range?
2nd apartment Manager: Yes, you’re in luck. One just came open today. It goes for $450 per month, including water.
You: Is it the first or the second floor?
2nd apartment Manager: The first floor. It’s very close to our swimming pool. Shall I hold it for you? I’ll need one month’s rent as a deposit as soon as possible.
You: Yes, please do. I’ll be right over.

After speaking to the apartment manager, you decide to visit the complex. You meet the apartment manager in front of the buildings for a tour of premises.
Apt. Manager: Good morning. Are you ready to see the apartment?
You: Yes. Let’s go inside.
Apt. Manager: We’ll start with the kitchen and dining room.
You: Oh, good, a refrigerator and stove. Is there a dishwasher, too?
Apt. Manager: It’s right over here, next to the sink. There’s also a garbage disposal and a trash compactor.
You: I’d like to take a look at the bedrooms and bath.
You walk through the living room, which contains a sofa, several armchairs, tables and a TV set. There is wall-to-wall carpeting throughout.

Apt. Manager: Here are the bedrooms. They’re connected by the bathroom. There’s also a half bath off the living room. Which bedroom will you use?
You: I like the one facing the pool. I’ll use the other one for my study. Can I get a desk and chair for my study?
Apt. Manager: I’ll call the office and see if there are any in storage.
You realize that although your apartment is furnished throughout, you have no food in your kitchen.
You: I don’t have a car. Is there a grocery store nearby?
Apt. Manager: You’re in luck. There’s a supermarket down the street. It’s about a ten-minute walk. Let’s go back to my office and talk about your lease.

ad [æd] s. = reclamă, anunţ (în ziar)
although [o:l‘əu] conj. = deşi, cu toate că
another [ə‘nʌər] adj. = un alt/o altă, încă un/o
anyway [‘eniwei] adv. = oricum
apartment [ə‘pa:rtmənt] s. = apartament
armchair [‘a:rm‘teər] s. = fotoliu
bath [ba:] s. = (cameră de) baie, baie
bathroom [‘ba:rum] s. = (cameră de) baie
to be in luck [lʌk] v. = a avea noroc/baftă
bedroom [‘bedrum] s. = dormitor
carpeting [‘ka:rpitiɳ] s. = carpetă
classified [‘klæsifaid] adj. = specializat, secret
close [kləus] adj. = apropiat
complex [‘kompleks] s. = complex
connected [kə‘nektid] adj. = unit, legat
to contain [kən‘tein] v. = a conţine, a cuprinde
deposit [di‘posit] s. = depunere, depozit (fin)
dining room [‘dainiɳ ru:m] s. = sufragerie
dishwasher [‘di‘woər] s. = maşină de spălat vase
down [daun] adv. = jos, la parter
electricity [ilek‘trisiti] s. = energie electrică
facing [‘feisiɳ] = cu vedere la
food [fu:d] s. = hrană, alimente, mâncare
furnished [‘fə:rnit] adj. = mobilat
garbage disposal [‘ga:rbidj dispəuzəl] = dispozitiv pentru eliminarea gunoiului
gas [gæs] s. = gaze
to go back [‘gəu ‘bæk] v. = a se întoarce
to go for v. = a costa, a avea valoarea de
grocery [‘grəusəri] s. = magazin de alimente
half adj. = (pe) jumătate
included [in‘klu:did] adj. = inclus, cuprins
kitchen [‘kitin] s. = bucătărie
lease [li:s] s. = contract de închiriere
left [left] adj. = rămas
living room [‘liviɳ ru:m] s. = cameră de zi
to look through [‘luk ru:] v. = a se uita/căuta prin
manager [‘mænidjər] s. = administrator
near by [‘niər bai] adv. = aproape
north [no:r] adv. = la/către/spre nord
off [o:f] adv. = la ieşirea
over [‘ouvər] adv. = acolo
premises [‘premisiz] s., pl. = clădire cu acareturi, teren, etc.
refrigerator [ri‘fridjə reitər] s. = frigider
to rent [rent] v. = a închiria
rent s. = chirie
shall [əl] v. = să, trebuie să (prop. inter.)
side [said] s. = parte, latură
sink [siɳk] s. = chiuvetă
sofa [‘səufə] s. = sofa, canapea
storage [‘sto:ridj] s. = magazie, depozit
store [sto:r] s. = magazin
stove [stəuv] s. = aragaz, cuptor
to take a look v. = a arunca o privire
than [æn] conj. = decât
throughout [ru:‘aut] adv. = de un cap la celălalt
tour [tuər] s. = tur
trash compactor [træ kəm‘pæktər] s. = compactor de gunoi
two-bedroom adj. = cu două dormitoare
wall-to-wall = din perete în perete

Pronumele şi adjectivele nehotărâte

afirmative (+) Propoziţii
interogative (?) Propoziţii
negative (-)
ceva, nişte, câţiva, câteva, unii, unele any
ceva, nişte, câţiva, câteva, unii, unele no
nici un, nici o, nici un fel, deloc
orice, oricare some
ceva, nişte, câţiva, câteva any
nici un, nici o, nici un fel

body one thing where
some somebody
cineva (+, ?) someone
cineva (+, ?) something
ceva (+, ?) somewhere
undeva (+, ?)
any anybody
oricine (+)
cineva (?)
nimeni (-) anyone
oricine (+)
cineva (?)
nimeni (-) anything
orice (+)
ceva (?)
nimic (-) anywhere
oriunde (+)
undeva (?)
nicăieri (-)
no nobody
nimeni (-) no one
nimeni (-) nothing
nimic (-) nowhere
nicăieri (-)
every everybody
fiecare, toţi, toată lumea everyone
fiecare, toţi, toată lumea everything
totul everywhere

“some”, “somebody”, “someone”, “ something”, “somewhere”

 Foloseşte-le în propoziţii afirmative:
I would like some tea, please! Aş vrea nişte cafea, vă rog!
Someone is at the door. Cineva este la uşă.
Something is better than nothing. Mai bine e ceva decât nimic.
I have to go somewhere. Trebuie să plec undeva.

 Foloseşte-le în propoziţii interogative, când aştepţi un răspuns afirmativ:
Can you lend me some magazines? Poţi să-mi împrumuţi nişte reviste?
Is somebody there? Este cineva acolo?
Can you tell me something about you? Îmi poţi spune ceva despre tine?
Do you go somewhere? Pleci undeva?

“any”, “anybody”, “anyone”, “anything”, “anywhere”

 Foloseşte-le în propoziţii interogative în locul lui “some”, “somebody”, “someone”, “something”, “somewhere”:
Is there any coffee in that cup? Este ceva cafea în ceaşcă?
Is anybody at home? Este cineva acasă?
Is anything you want to ask? Vrei să intrebi ceva?
May I go anywhere I want? Pot să merg oriunde vreau?

 Foloseşte-le în propoziţii negative când pui verbul din propoziţie la negativ:
There isn’t any sugar in my coffee. Nu este deloc zahăr în cafeaua mea.
I don’t see anything on the desk. Nu văd nimic pe birou.
There isn’t anybody at home. Nu este nimeni acasă.

 Foloseşte-le în propoziţii afirmative cu sensul de “orice”, “oricine”, “oricare”, “oriunde”:
You can have anything you want. Poţi lua orice îţi doreşti.
He can lend any book he wants to. Poate împrumuta oricare carte doreşte.
Anyone can boil some eggs. Oricine poate fierbe nişte ouă.
You can go anywhere you want to. Poţi să te duci oriunde vrei.

“no”, “nobody”, “no one”, “nothing”, “nowhere”

 Foloseşte-le numai în propoziţii negative când pui verbul la afirmativ:
There are no files on those shelves. Nu se află nici un dosar pe rafturile acelea.
Nobody knows him. Nimeni nu-l cunoaşte.
No one knows his story. Nimeni nu cunoaşte povestea lui.
Nothing is good or bad but by comparison. Nimic nu este bun sau rău decât prin comparaţie.
I go nowhere tomorrow. Nu plec nicăieri mâine.

“every”, “everybody”, “everyone”, “everything”, “everywhere”

We have breakfast at 8 o’clock every morning. Noi luăm micul dejun la ora 8 in fiecare dimineaţă.
Everything must have a beginning. Toate au un început.
You can see his pictures everywhere. Poţi vedea pozele lui pretutindeni.
Everyone is here. Let’s start our meeting. Toată lumea e aici. Să începem şedinţa!
Did you check everywhere? Ai verificat peste tot?

Adaugă-le “else” (alt) şi, le schimbi înţelesul!

something else alt ceva somebody else alt cineva
anything else (orice) alt ceva anybody else (oricine) alt cineva
nothing else nimic alt ceva nobody else nimeni alt cineva
everything else toate celelate everybody else toţi ceilalţi

 Nu uita să foloseşti aceleaşi reguli şi pentru ele.

Înlocuitori pentru verbele modale

 Poţi folosi verbele modale ca atare – CAN, MAY, MUST – doar la prezent. Pentru celelalte timpuri verbale (dar şi pentru prezent) trebui să foloseşti înlocuitorii lor.

CAN to be able to a fi capabil să
MAY to be allowed to a avea voie să
MUST to have to a trebui să

 Iată câteva exemple:

I can speak French. I may use his phone. I must call her.
I am able to speak French. I am allowed to use his phone. I have to call her.
I will be able to speak French. I will be allowed to use his phone. I will have to call her.

Exercise #1
Completează propoziţiile cu some, any, none:

1. “Is there any oil in these parts?” “… say there is plenty of it here”.
2. Still looking for fingerprints? I’ll give you a call if I see … around.
3. If we find … shells we’ll share them with you.
4. You have no excuse; … whatever.
5. “No word from her yet?” “…”.
6. “Coffee for you, Tony?” “I’m not having …, thank you”
7. … so blind as those who won’t see.
8. The soup is delicious. Won’t you have …?

Exercise #2
Completează spaţiile goale cu pronume şi adjective nehotărâte:

1. I can tell you … about it.
2. Ask … about it.
3. Is there … on the table? No, there is …
4. … can answer this question.
5. … is asking about you.
6. Is … watching the TV programme in the next room?
7. Do you take … sugar with your coffee?
8. There aren’t … dictionaries in that bookcase.
9. You may leave … time.
10. We have English classes … Friday from eight to ten
11. … must be present.
12. You may go … you want to.
13. Please, give me … more tea.
14. I can see it …
15. The conversation guidebook must be … here.
16. There are … words that I don’t understand.

Exercise #3
Răspunde la întrebări conform modelului:
a). Model: Is anybody having lunch in the dining-room?
Yes, somebody is. No, nobody is.

1. Is anybody reading in the library? 2. Is anybody writing on the blackboard? 3. Is anybody dictating the text? 4. Is anybody correcting the report? 5. Is anybody explaining the rules?

b). Model: Does anybody leave for the office at 6 o’clock every day?
Yes, some do. No, nobody does.

1. Does anybody get to the office at seven o’clock? 2. Does anybody study in the library in the afternoon? 3. Does anybody have breakfast at a café? 4. Does anybody do morning exercises every day? 5. Does anybody go the theatre every Sunday?

c) Model: Is there any tea in the cup?
Yes, there is some. No, there isn’t any.

1. Is there any book on your desk? 2. Is there any milk for breakfast? 3. Is there any ink in your fountain pen? 4. Is there any dictionary on that shelf? 5. Is there any chalk at the blackboard?

Exercise #4
1. Pot să vă mai ofer nişte cafea?
2. Da, mulţumesc, sunteţi foarte amabilă.
3. Nu este nimeni acasă.
4. Mai serviţi o porţie de budincă, vă rog.
5. Oricine poate să facă acest exerciţiu.
6. Este vreun student absent astăzi?
7. Trebuie să fie cineva acasă.
8. Nimeni nu ştie răspunsul la această întrebare.
9. Unii dintre aceşti studenţi traduc foarte bine exerciţiile.
10. Nu văd pe nimeni în hol.
11. Doreşti să-mi spui ceva?
12. Ştie cineva ce trebuie să învăţăm pentru mâine?
13. Pot să mă mai servesc cu nişte ceai?
14. Poţi să te serveşti cu orice de pe masă.

Exercise #5
Pune următoarele propoziţii la viitor:
1. You needn’t answer the phone.
2. He can speak five foreign languages now.
3. They must leave at half past seven.
4. You cannot ask me to do that.
5. We must get tickets for that play.
6. You must not pick up flowers in the public gardens.
7. The British may not drive on the left side when travelling through Europe.
8. I am sure you can do her that favour.

Exercise #6
Scrie propoziţii cu “which”:
Model: The ostrich / bird / can run at 48 km/h.
The ostrich is a bird, which can run at 48 km/h.

1. Greenpeace / organisation / wants to protect the environment.
2. The Chinese panda / animal / danger of extinction.
3. The Peak District / national park / situated in England.
4. The elephant / animal / comes from Africa and India.
5. Windsurfing / sport / very popular in our country.

the Goat, Dec. 22 – Jan. 19 According to astrologers, the planet Saturn rules Capricorn, which is an earth sign. Astrologers believe that Capricorns have responsible, disciplined, practical, methodical, cautious, serious, and sometimes pessimistic natures. Described as ambitious and with a deep need for security, especially financial security, Capricorns are thought to value hard work and tradition and to take life seriously. Typical Capricorns are aloof and shy.

A – B: Aceea este o casă bună

(cameră de) baie





The days follow each other, but are not alike.
What greater crime than loss of time?
When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.
Hell is paved with good intentions.
Lost time is never found again.
The wind cannot be prevented from blowing.