pentru week*end-ul
care vine (2)
Expresii (3)
Timpul viitor (4)
Prepozitiile (5)
Exercitii (5- 6)
Zodiac – Fecioara (7)
Cuvinte incrucisate (7)
Laura: Eva, what are your plans for the coming weekend?
Eva: I’ll go to the seaside with Maria and Lisa.
Laura: What will you go by?
Eva: We’ll go by car and return by train. You see, Diana is going by car to the seaside, together with her husband, for a holiday, and they’re taking us with them, in their car. But as we’re returning Sunday evening we’ll have to return by train. We’ll leave Bucharest on Friday afternoon and we’ll reach the seaside resort Neptun in the evening.
Laura: How will you spend your two days there?
Eva: Well, we’ll get up fairly early in the morning. We’ll have breakfast at our hotel and then we’ll go to the beach to lie in the sun on the beach or in a deck chair. We’ll lie in the sun for a couple of hours and after that we’ll do some bathing and swimming in the sea or a swimming pool if the sea is too cold. I like to swim and I swim very well.
Laura: Will you also stop at Mamaia?
Eva: No, because we’ll have to be at the restaurant of our hotel in time for lunch.
Laura: What will you do in the afternoons?
Eva: On Saturday afternoon Diana and Alec will drive us to Mamaia to show us the big hotels and restaurants, the open-air theatres and cinemas there, and to take a walk along the coast of the sea. Then we’ll have dinner at one of the restaurants in Mamaia. On Sunday afternoon, Diana and Alec will drive us for a while up and down the coast of the Black Sea to see the seaside resorts.
Laura: Will you take the train for Bucharest from Mangalia?
Eva: Yes. And we’ll be back home not too late in the evening, in order to go to bed early enough, as we’ll have to get up very early on Monday morning to be able to get to our jobs in time.
Laura: By the way, what are your plans for this summer?
Eva: Well. I think I’ll go to a health resort in August.
Laura: I will go to a mountain resort. Perhaps we may go to the same place together.
Eva: Why not? We’ll speak on the phone about it. Bye-bye!
Laura: Bye-bye, Eva.
along [ə‘loɳ] adv. = de-a lungul
also [‘o:lsəu] adv. = de asemenea
as [æz] conj. = pentru că, deoarece, fiindcă
at [æt] prep. = la (static)
to be able to [bi ‘eibl tu:] v. = a fi capabil să
beach [bi:t] s. = plajă
because [bi‘koz] conj. = pentru că, fiindcă
Black Sea, the [‘blæk‘si: ə] s. = Marea Neagră
cinema [‘sinimə] s. = cinematograf
coast [kəust] s. = ţărm, coastă
cold [kəuld] adj. = rece, răcoros
coming [‘kʌmiɳ] adj. = care vine, viitor
deck chair [‘dek‘teər] = şezlong
to drive [draiv] v. = a conduce (maşina)
early [‘ərli] adv. = devreme
enough [i‘nʌf] adj. = destul de, foarte
fairly [‘ferli] adv. = destul de
from [from] prep. = din
to get to [get] v. = a ajunge la
to have to [hæv tə] v. = a trebui să
health [hel] s. = sănătate
hotel [huə‘tel] s. = hotel
in order to [in ordər tə] = pentru a, ca să
late [leit] adv. = târziu
to leave [li:v] v. = a pleca din (de la), a părăsi
to lie [lai] v. = a sta culcat
may [mei] v. = s-ar putea să
mountain [‘mauntin] s. = munte
open-air [əupən eər] adj. = în aer liber
perhaps [pər‘hæps] adv. = poate că, probabil
place [pleis] s. = loc, regiune
plan [plæn] s. = plan, proiect
to reach [ri:t] v. = a ajunge la, a sosi la
resort [ri‘zo:rt] s. = staţiune
restaurant [‘restə rant] s. = restaurant
to return [ri‘tə:rn] v. = a se întoarce, a se înapoia
sea [si:] s. = mare
seaside [‘si:said] s. = litoral
to see [si:] v. = a vedea, a zări
to show [əu] v. = a arăta
to spend [spend] v. = a petrece (timp)
to stop [stop] v. = a (se) opri
sun [sʌn] s. = soare
to swim [swim] v. = a înota
swimming pool [pul] s. = piscină, bazin
the same [seim] adj. = acelaşi
them [em] pr. = ei, ele (cu, pe), lor (D)
together [tə‘geər] adv. = împreună
too [tu:] adv. = prea, foarte
train [trein] s. = tren
us [ʌs] pr. = noi (cu, pe), nouă (D)
weekend [‘wi:k end] s. = sfârşit de săptămână
I’ll go to the seaside = Voi merge la mare.
What will you go by? = Cu ce veţi merge?
We’ll go by car = Vom merge cu maşina.
We’ll return by train = Ne vom întoarce cu trenul.
She is going to … for a holiday = Ea merge la … în vacanţă.
We’ll go to the beach = Vom merge la plajă.
to lie in the sun = a sta întins la soare
a couple of hours = două ore
We’ll do some bathing = Vom face baie.
to be in time = a fi la timp
On Saturday = sâmbătă
They will drive us to = Ei ne vor duce cu maşina la.
We’ll take a long walk = Vom face o plimbare lungă.
for a while = pentru un timp
up and down = în susul şi în josul
to be back home = a se întoarce acasă
not too late = nu prea târziu
By the way = Apropo…
Why not? = De ce nu?
Exprimă acţiuni care vor avea loc în viitor prin Viitorul simplu.
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I will Will I ? I will not
You will Will you ? You will not
He will Will he ? He will not
She will Will she ? She will not
It will Will it ? It will not
We will Will we ? We will not
You will Will you ? You will not
They will Will they ? They will not
Foloseşte adverbele de timp specifice cum sunt:
tomorrow mâine next year anul viitor
the day after tomorrow poimâine next Friday vinerea viitoare
next week săptămâna viitoare next Spring primăvara viitoare
next month luna viitoare later mai târziu
Scrie si vorbeşte corect:
În engleza britanică la persoana I sg. şi pl. în loc de “will” trebuie să-l foloseşti pe “shall”. Forma scurtă de negativ este “SHAN’T” şi se pronunţă [ant]
Când vorbeşti, foloseşte formele scurte. Iţi va fi mult mai uşor.
Pentru afirmativ: I’LL [ail], YOU’LL [yul], HE’LL [hil], SHE’LL [il], WE’LL [wil], YOU’LL [yul], THEY’LL [eil]
Pentru negativ WILL NOT = WON’T [wount]
Citeşte cu voce tare şi următoarele exemple:
I’ll go to London next week.
Where will you spend your summer holiday?
He’ll attend a meeting with the staff tomorrow morning.
She’ll participate in the Romanian Business Fair, in Paris, next month.
Hai să conjugăm împreună verbul “a întâlni” – “to meet”:
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I will (I’ll) meet Will I meet? I will not (won’t) meet
You will (You’ll) meet Will you meet? You will not (won’t) meet
He will (He’ll) meet Will he meet? He will not (won’t) meet
She will (She’ll) meet Will she meet? She will not (won’t) meet
It will (It’ll) meet Will it meet? It will not (won’t) meet
We will (We’ll) meet Will we meet? We will not (won’t) meet
You will (You’ll) meet Will you meet? You will not (won’t) meet
They will (They’ll) meet Will they meet? They will not (won’t) meet
Iată unele dintre cele mai folosite prepoziţii:
About despre, prin, aproximativ By aproape de, pe lângă, cu, până, de, cu ajutorul Over peste, deasupra, în cursul
Above deasupra, peste Despite în ciuda Since de, de la, din
Across peste, de la o margine la alta, de-a curmezişul Down în josul, mai jos de, de-a lungul Through prin, printre, peste
After după During în timpul, în cursul Throughout de la un capăt la celălalt al, peste tot
Along de-a lungul, în lungul For pentru, la, spre Till până (la)
Among printre, în mijlocul, dintre From de la, din, din cauza To către, spre, la
Around în jurul, de jur împrejurul, pe la In în, la, înăuntrul Towards spre, către, faţă de
Before înaintea, în faţa, din faţa Into în (pentru pătrundere), înspre Under sub, dedesubtul
Behind în spatele, în urma Like ca, ca şi, la fel cu Until până la
Below dedesubtul, sub Near aproape de, lângă Up în susul, sus
Beneath dedesubtul, mai jos de Of de, din partea, dintre Upon pe (numai dinamic)
Beside lângă, aproape de Off de pe, din With cu, împreună cu
Between între (doi), printre On pe, la, în Within în, în cuprinsul, în limita, din interiorul
Beyond dincolo de, peste Out din, dinspre Without fără
Prepoziţiile sunt folosite în fraze şi ca părţi ale verbelor.
Completează spaţiile cu prepoziţiile corecte:
1. Their train is going … Bucharest.
2. … 5 o’clock we go … home and we stay … home … the evening.
3. … 10:30 we go … bed and we stay … bed … 6 o’clock … the morning when we get … of it.
4. This text is … English, let’s translate it … Romanian.
5. Before getting … the station the train passes … the tunnel.
6. Every morning my father goes … a little walk … his little granddaughter.
7. He always tells me that I am speaking … thinking.
8. The little girl is sitting … her mother and me.
9. I see him … the children … the classroom.
10. It’s raining, come … my umbrella.
11. There are five bridges … the river.
12. Tomorrow we will work … 12 o’clock.
13. I will be ready … five minutes.
14. I will come to see you … the afternoon.
15. He is afraid … the big dog.
Exercise #2
Completează spaţiile libere cu prepoziţii:
1. His car stopped … the hospital.
2. John is driving … his office … his house.
3. We are swimming … the sea.
4. Look … those people standing … a line.
5. She is learning French … books.
6. We are going to leave Iaşi … Cluj.
7. The next bus stop is … the corner.
8. Their house will be … the top of the hill.
9. I am born … November 15th.
10. This novel will be published … 1999.
11. This supermarket is open … the morning … 9 … 1.
12. I usually get up … 7 o’clock and have breakfast … 7:30.
13. Every morning … 8 o’clock he goes … school.
14. Why don’t you agree … me … this matter?
15. He is late again so his wife will be angry … him.
Exercise #3
Trece următoarele propoziţii la viitorul simplu:
1. We spend our weekends in the country. (next year)
2. They don’t enjoy themselves when they go to the cinema. (tonight)
3. We are busy working or studying. (next month)
4. There are many things we can do there. (tomorrow)
5. They don’t feel hungry. (later)
6. We stay in town all summer long.
Exercise #4
Scrie formele interogative şi negative ale propoziţiilor:
1. I will buy a new printer tomorrow.
2. You and I will see the whole world together.
3. We’ll see it some day.
4. Stay with me! I’ll behave well.
5. I will study French next year.
6. John and Mary will prepare their project together tonight.
7. Mary will meet her friend at 2 o’clock.
8. He will get up early tomorrow.
9. I will be 32 next year.
10. We will have the picnic next Saturday.
Exercise #5
Pune întrebări la următoarele propoziţii:
1. We get up very early every morning.
2. He usually spends his weekends out of town.
3. The ladies will come soon.
4. In the evening we will drive back home.
5. They enjoy going to the country for a picnic lunch.
6. We take a long walk in the park every evening.
Exercise #6
Tradu în engleză:
1. Unde vă veţi petrece weekend-ul următor?
2. Dacă vremea este frumoasă, duminică ne vom duce la munte.
3. George nu va veni mâine la birou.
4. Mâine ea va împrumuta nişte cărţi de la bibliotecă.
5. Săptămâna viitoare îţi voi trimite noua ofertă.
6. Poimâine îţi voi înmâna raportul.
7. Voi scrie adresele pe plicuri mai târziu.
8. Va lua trenul de la ora 9.
9. Vor plăti chiria marţea viitoare.
10. Vom ajunge acasă în jur de 10:30.
the Virgin, Aug. 23 – Sept. 22 The planet Mercury rules Virgo, which is an earth sign. Astrologers believe that Virgoans are practical and are good communicators, but that they can be critical. Virgoans often have a great concern for health and hygiene; they are detail-oriented, analytical, intelligent, hard-working; and they can be perfectionists.
1 2 3 2
7 8 9
11 12 13
14 15 16 17
18 19
21 22
24 25
Across: Down:
1. How you feel before you sleep 1. Voyage
2. To ask for; “I … your pardon” 2. To be prepared; “Are you … yet?”
5. About; approximately 3. Female child; female offspring
7. Receptacle for drinking; clear material 6. To wish for
9. Lower extremity of body 8. Male child; male offspring
10. Possessive form; first person plural 9. No cost; liberated
12. Money you give someone for service 11. Made of seconds, minutes and hours
13. Each one 14. Geographical division in the U.S.
14. To walk leisurely 15. To appreciate something; similar to
16. Conjunction expessing opposition 17. Place where movies are shown
18. Suitcases 23. Frozen water
19. A dwelling for travelers 24. Object form of “I”
20. Work surface; piece of furniture
21. To estimate
22. Supperlative of “better”
24. Dolars and cents in the U.S.
25. Man who serves tables in a restaurant