Text: Despre timp (2)
Conversatie (2)
Text: Materiale si forme (3)
Vocabular (4)
Numeralul Ordinal (5)
Cum spunem cat este ceasul (6)
Exercitii (7)
Cuvinte incrucisate (8)
Zodiac – Leul (8)
Proverbe (8)
There are one thousand years in a millennium, one hundred years in a century and ten years in a decade.
A year has 12 months or 52 weeks. The names of the months of the year are of Latin origin: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. A month has 30 or 31 days. February has 28 days in an ordinary year and 29 days in a leap year.
There are four weeks in a month, fourteen days and nights in a fortnight and seven days in a week: six week (working) days and a holiday. The names of the days of the week are of English (Saxon) origin: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
The day before today is yesterday and the day before yesterday is called the day before yesterday; the day after today is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow is called the day after tomorrow.
A day has 24 hours. The moments of the day are morning, noon (midday), afternoon, evening, midnight and night.
There are two twelve-hour periods in a day. They are a.m. (in the morning), and p.m. (in the afternoon).
We can tell the time by a clock or a watch.
An hour has 60 minutes and a minute has 60 seconds. There are 30 minutes in a half an hour and 15 minutes in a quarter of an hour.
Ann: Have you got a watch?
Bob: Yes, I have.
Ann: What time is it by your watch?
Bob: By my watch it is twenty-five to two, but my watch is fast. It is five minutes fast. The clock on the wall is right.
Ann: So, the right time is half past one. What day is today? (What’s the date today?)
Bob: Today is sixteenth of August 1999. It’s August 16th, 1999.
Ann: When is your birthday?
Bob: It’s on the 27th of December.
Ann: What’s today? (What day is it?)
Bob: It’s Monday. Today is Monday.
Ann: When have you got your English classes?
Bob: We’ve got our English classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.
- What is this desk made of?
- This desk is made of wood.
- What may watches be made of?
- Watches may be made of gold, silver, nickel, steel or aluminium.
- What is her handbag made of?
- Her handbag is made of leather, it is not made of plastic material.
- What are books made of?
- Books are made of paper.
- Is your dress made of silk, cotton or wool?
- My dress is made of wool. It isn’t made of silk.
- Those houses are made of brick and stone. They are not made of concrete.
- Plates and cups are made of china, glass or metals.
- What are the soles of your shoes made of?
- The soles of my shoes are made of leather, they aren’t made of rubber.
- Rooms may be bright or dark, large or small, pretty or ugly.
- Houses may be big or small, high or low, new or old.
- Persons may be young or old, strong or weak, fat or thin, tall or short, pleasant or unpleasant.
- Mountains may be high or low, young or old.
- Streets may be long or short, wide or narrow, dirty or clean.
- Windows may be wide or narrow, open or shut.
- Books may be good or bad, thick or thin.
- Tables may be round, oval, square or rectangular.
- An exercise may be easy or difficult.
- They may be merry or sad, happy or unhappy.
- We are always present, we are never absent. We are always early, we are never late.
after [‘a:ftər] prep. = după
always [‘o:lweiz] adv. = întotdeauna
bad [bæd] adj. = rău, prost, urât
before [bi‘fo:r] adv. = înainte
birthday [‘bərdei] s. = zi de naştere
brick [brik] s. = cărămidă
century [‘sentəri] s. = veac
china [‘tainə] s. = porţelan, vase de porţelan
clean [cli:n] adj. = curat, îngrijit
clock [klok] s. = orologiu, ceas de masă
concrete [‘konkri:t] s. = beton
cotton [‘kotən] s. = bumbac
cup [cʌp] s. = ceaşcă
date [deit] s. = dată, zi
difficult [‘difikəlt] adj. = dificil, greu, complicat
dirty [‘də:rti] adj. = murdar
easy [‘i:zi] adj. = uşor, simplu, facil
fortnight [‘fo:rt nait] s. = două săptămâni
from … till [from … til] = de la … până la …
gold [gold] s. = aur
half [ha:lf] s. = jumătate
happy [‘hæpi] adj. = fericit, vesel, bine dispus
holiday [‘holədei] s. = vacanţă
hour [auər] s. = oră, ceas
is called [iz co:ld] = este numit
Latin [‘lætin] adj. = latin
leap year [li:p] s. = an bisect
leather [‘leər] s. = piele (tăbăcită)
long [loɳ] adj. = lung, îndelungat, de durată
low [ləu] adj. = jos, scund, mic, redus
merry [‘meri] adj. = vesel, voios, bucuros
midday [‘middei] s. = amiază
midnight [‘midnait] s. = miezul nopţii
millennium [mi‘leniəm] s. = mileniu
month [mʌn] s. = lună
narrow [‘nærəu] adj. = îngust, strâmt
never [‘nevər] adv. = niciodată
night [nait] s. = noapte, seară
noon [nu:n] s. = amiază
old [əuld] adj. = în vârstă, bătrân, vârstnic
paper [‘peipər] s. = hârtie
past [pa:st] prep. = trecut de (temporal)
person [‘pərsən] s. = persoană, individ
plate [pleit] s. = farfurie
pretty [‘priti] adj. = drăguţ, simpatic, plăcut
quarter [‘kwo:rtər] s. = sfert, sfert de oră
rectangular [rek‘tæɳgyulər] adj. = rectangular
round [raund] adj. = rotund, circular
rubber [‘rʌbər] s. = cauciuc
sad [sæd] adj. = trist, melancolic
Saxon [sæksn] adj. = saxon
shape [eip] s. = formă, chip
silk [silk] s. = mătase
silver [‘silvər] s. = argint
small [smo:l] adj. = mic, mărunt
so [səu] adv. = prin urmare, deci
sole [səul] s. = talpă
square [skweər] adj. = pătrat
stone [stəun] s. = piatră
street [stri:t] s. = stradă
strong [stroɳ] adj. = puternic
to tell the time = a spune cât e ceasul
time [taim] s. = timp, oră
to [tu:] prep. = până (la) (temporal)
tomorrow [tə‘morəu] s. = mâine
ugly [‘ʌgli] adj. = urât
unhappy [ʌn‘hæpi] adj. = nefericit
weak [wi:k] adj. = slăbit, fără putere
week [wi:k] s. = săptămână
weekday (working day) = zi lucrătoare
wide [waid] adj. = larg, lat, spaţios
wood [wud] s. = lemn
wool [wul] s. = lână
year [yiər] s. = an
yesterday [‘yestərdei] s. = ieri
Numeralul ordinal
Cu ajutorul numeralului ordinal exprimi locul pe care îl ocupă un lucru: primul, al doilea, al zecelea.
Ca să formezi numeralele ordinale adaugă terminaţia -th numeralelor cardinale.
the seven + th = the seven th
Excepţie fac primul, al doilea, al treilea.
the first the eleventh the twenty-first
the second the twelfth the thirtieth
the third the thirteenth the thirty-second
the fourth the fourteenth the fortieth
the fifth the fifteenth the forty-third
the sixth the sixteenth the fiftieth
the seventh the seventeenth the sixty-seventh
the eighth the eighteenth the seventieth
the ninth the nineteenth the eighty-sixth
the tenth the twentieth the ninety-fifth
the one hundredth the one thousandth
the one hundred and first the one thousand and second
the two hundredth the two thousandth
the four hundred and seventh the one millionth
the five hundredth the one billionth
al 1998 lea the one thousand nine hundred and ninety eighth
Vorbeste si scrie corect:
Transformă terminaţia -ve de la twelve şi five în -f şi apoi adaugă –th
Scrie “fortieth” şi nu fourtieth.
Trasformă terminaţia -y a numeralelor în -ie şi apoi adaugă -th.
Pune înaintea numeralul ordinal articolul hotărât “the”.
Când scrii prescurtat păstreză doar ultimele litere ale numeralului ordinal: the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, the 21st, the 33rd, the 67th, the 124th.
Foloseşte numeralul ordinal când exprimi şi citeşti data, chiar dacă este scrisă cu numerale cardinale:
22 Decembrie the 22nd of December, December the 22nd, December 22
26 Iunie the 26th of June, June the 26th, June 26
19 Ianuarie the 19th of January, January 19th, January 19
Când exprimi ora, foloseşte sistemul cu 12 ore, decât cel cu 24 ore.
Distincţia între dimineaţă, după-amiază şi seară o faci adăugând “a.m.” sau “p.m”, sau foloseşte “in the morning” (dimineaţa), “in the afternoon” (după-amiaza) şi “in the evening” (seara).
It’s 2 p.m. It’s two o’clock in the afternoon.
It’s 6 a.m. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning.
Iată câteva expresii folositoare:
What time is it? It’s 11 p.m.
Do you have the time? Yes, it’s 12 at noon.
What time do they arrive? Around 3 p.m.
How much time does it take? No more than 20 minutes.
Când exprimi orele fixe adaugâ lângă oră O’CLOCK.
It’s o’clock.
Când te referi la 12.00 noaptea poţi să spui “midnight” (miezul nopţii).
Când te referi la 12.00 ziua poţi să spui “noon” (miezul zilei).
It’s two o’clock.
It’s five (minutes) past two.
It’s ten (minutes) past two.
It’s fifteen (minutes) past two.
It’s a quarter past two.
It’s twenty (minutes) past two.
It’s twenty-five (minutes) past two.
It’s half past two.
It’s twenty-five (minutes) to three.
It’s twenty (minutes) to three.
It’s fifteen (minutes) to three.
It’s a quarter to three.
It’s ten (minutes) to three.
It’s five (minutes) to three.
It’s three o’clock.
Altă modalitate este să citeşti cât arată ceasul ca atare, ca nişte numere, ora prima dată şi apoi numărul de minute (numai dacă ceasul a trecut de şi zece).
It’s 3:25. It’s three twenty-five.
It’s 8:30. It’s eight thirty.
It’s 10:45. It’s ten forty-five.
Exercise #1
Scrie interogativul şi negativul următoarelor propoziţii:
1. I have a new watch. 2. It is eight o’clock sharp. 3. My watch is ten minutes slow. 4. Today is my birthday. 5. The clock on the wall is wrong.
Exercise #2
Răspunde la întrebări:
1. How many years are in a century?
2. How many days are there in a year?
3. How many months are there in a year?
4. How many weeks are there in a month?
5. How many days are there in a month?
6. How many days are there in a week?
7. What are the months of the year?
8. What are the days of the week?
9. Which is the first day of the week?
10. Which is fifth month of the year?
11. Which month is November?
12. What time is it?
13. Is your watch right or wrong?
14. What day is today?
15. What date is it?
16. When is your birthday?
Exercise #3
Formulează întrebări având ca răspunsuri propoziţiile de la exerciţiul 1.
Exercise #4
Scrie în spaţiile libere articolele cerute, acolo unde este necesar:
send for … doctor … second car … face to … face … very man
drink … wine speak … German have … lunch … majority of votes
be in … hospital ask for … beer pour … tea … earth
go … home come by … bicycle at … midnight lie down on … bed
travel by … train be on … plane … letter to President in … evening
… wine on … table be … genius it is … night … birthday party
be … sailor on … 3rd of … July expect … good dinner … same story
… evening comes take … train in … spring go to … bed
be at … university sleep in … car … husband and … wife get … flu
Exercise #5
Citeşte următoarele cifre, operaţii, date şi numere de telefon:
3,725 2,353 11,100 4 + 4 = 8
850 1,000 1,148 4 – 1 = 3
8 : 4 = 2 6 x 5 = 30 22nd of August 4th of April
333 250.84.96 094.520.633
Exercise #6
Scrie în litere următoarele date:
16.06.1845 12.09.1999 19.01.1950 13.03.1930 14.12.1978
07.04.1976 22.05.1933 01.07.2000 30.08.1923 25.02.1968
18.10.1781 03.11.1963 02.09.1900 10.10.1910 29.12.1998
Exercise #7
Scrie următoarele ore în litere, folosind exprimările pe care le cunoşti:
2:10 4:30 10:15 12:45 11:40
9:35 8:20 9:00 6:25 7:40
6:55 3:05 8:42 5:52 1:30
A – B: Numeralul Ordinal
al 20 – lea
al 8 – lea
al doilea
al 4 – lea
al 30 – lea
al treilea
al 6 – lea
al 9 – lea
al 101 – lea
al 11 – lea
al 17 – lea
al 14 – lea
al un milionulea
al 7 – lea
al 13 – lea
al miilea
al 12 – lea
the Lion, July 23 – Aug. 22 The sun rules Leo, which is a fire sign. Astrologers believe that Leos have regal, self-centered, generous, and warm-hearted natures. Protective of people close to them, they need to be the center of attention and can be inordinately fond of praise. Creative and dramatic, they are natural leaders who love to enjoy themselves.
I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.
Everything is good in its season.
Think twice before you speak once.
Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing.
Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.
Never too old to learn.