La cumparaturi (2)
la supermagazin (2)
Conversatie la
alimentar (3)
Cand platesti (3)
Vocabular (4)
Expresii (4)
prezent (5)
Regulile frazelor
conditionale (6)
Exercitii (7 – 8)
Zodiac – Pestii (8)
There are many ways to shop in the U.S. Many Americans frequent large, enclosed shopping malls in the suburbs of bigger cities. Some of these malls are enormous; they contain restaurants, department and specialty stores, and sometimes movie theatres.
In large cities, there are downtown shopping districts, although most shoppers go to discount department stores in the suburban areas.
While shopping in a department store, a salesperson will often come up to you and ask if he/she can help you find something. If you prefer to be left alone you can say, “I’m just looking”. If you need help, the salesperson will show the items you are interested in. Many times there are sales or discounts. You will probably see signs to this effect.
Never try to bargain in a department store. In the U.S. bargaining over a price goes on only at flea markets and yard sales. Americans also haggle over a price when buying a very expensive item such a house or a car.
Salesperson: Are you being helped?
You: No, I’m not. I’m looking for gifts for my children, possibly T-shirts.
Salesperson: For a girl or a boy?
You: Both. I have a son and a daughter.
Salesperson: What sizes do you need?
You: I guess I’ll need a large for my son and a medium for my daughter.
Salesperson: What about the color?
You: I think I’ll get a light green T-shirt for my daughter and a navy blue for my son. Are they easy to care of?
Salesperson: Yes, they’re machine-washable and shouldn’t fade or shrink very much.
You: Fine, I’ll take two T-shirts.
Salesperson: How about something for your husband?
You: Not right now. I’m going to look more. Where’s the fine jewelry department?
Salesperson: Right over there, to the left.
You walk to the large supermarket in your neighborhood. Once inside, you see shoppers pushing grocery carts. So, you grab one and do likewise.
You head for the fresh fruit and vegetables aisle.
Produce Clerk: Good morning. Can I weigh those for you?
You: Yes. And how much are the tomatoes?
Produce Clerk: Eighty cents a pound. How many would you like?
You: Three will be enough. I also want this head of lettuce. How much do I owe you?
Produce Clerk: Oh, you don’t pay here. You pay at the checkout counter when you leave.
You: Sorry about that.
You browse through the supermarket, stopping at the meat counter.
Butcher: Can I help you?
You: I’d like a chicken, please.
Butcher: Would you like it whole or cut up?
You: A whole fryer, please. I’ll cut it up myself. Thanks.
A bit later, you go to the bakery.
Baker: Yes, ma’am?
You: I’d like a loaf of bread, please.
Baker: Do you want rye, whole wheat, or white bread?
You: I’ll take the rye bread.
You pay for you groceries at the checkout counter.
Când plăteşti
Când plăteşti pentru diverse lucruri în SUA, ţi se va spune un preţ în dolari ($) sau cenţi (¢). Uneori cuvintele “dollars” sau “cents” sunt folosite, dar cele mai multe ori vei auzi:
How much is it? $ 29.95
Twenty-nine ninety-five sau twenty-nine dollars and ninety-five cents
What does it cost? $ 100.00
One hundred dollars.
De obicei când preţul este o sumă în dolari fără cenţi, cuvântul “dollars” se păstrează.
În Anglia unităţile monetare sunt: pound (£) (20 shillings) (lira), shilling (12 pennies) (şiling), crown (5 shillings) (o coroană), penny (un penny).
aisle [ail] s. = aripă
apple [‘æpl] s. = măr
baker [‘beikər] s. = brutar
banana [bə‘na:nə] s. = banană
basics [‘beisiks] s. = alimente de bază
because [bi‘koz] adv. = pentru că, deoarece
bit [bit] s. = pic, puţin
to browse [brauz] v. = a se plimba
butcher [‘butər] s. = măcelar
cart [ka:rt] s. = cărucior (de magazin)
cent [sent] s. = cent (1/100 dintr-un dolar)
check-out counter s. = tejghea de la ieşire (în supermarket)
chicken [‘tikin] s. = pui, găină
to cut up [‘kʌt ‘ʌp] v. = a tăia în bucăţi
cut up adj. = tăiat în bucăţi
to eat [i:t] v. = a mânca
enough [i‘nʌf] adj. adv. = destul, de ajuns
to fade [feid] v. = a se decolora
fresh [fre] adj. = proaspăt
fruit [fru:t] s. = fruct, fructe (de acelaşi fel)
fryer [‘fraiər] s. = pui bun de gătit
gift [gift] s. = cadou
to grab [græb] v. = a apuca, a înhăţa
groceries [‘grəusəriz] s. = articole de băcănie
to guess [ges] v. = a crede, a socoti, a fi de părere
head of lettuce s. = căpăţână de salată
jewelry [‘dju:əlri] s. = bijuterii
light [lait] adj. = deschis (de o culoare)
likewise [‘laik waiz] adv. = în acelaşi mod/fel
list [list] s. = listă
loaf [ləuf] s. = pâine (o bucată)
ma’am [mæm] = doamnă
meat [mi:t] s. = carne (dar nu de pasăre)
medium [‘mi:diəm] s. = articol de îmbrăcăminte cu mărimea mediu
more [mo:r] adv. = mai mult
navy blue [‘neivi blu:] s. = bleumarin
once [wns] conj. = odată, odată ce
over there adv. = acolo
to owe [əu] v. = a datora, a fi dator
possibly [‘posibli] = dacă se poate
pound [paund] s. = livră (=453,6 gr)
produce [‘prodyu:s] s. = produs, produce (mai ales agricole)
to push [pu] v. = a împinge
rye [rai] s. = secară
salesperson [‘seilzpərsən] s. = vânzător(oare)
shirt [ə:rt] s. = cămaşă
shopper [‘opər] s. = cumpărător, client
shouldn’t [‘udnt] = nu ar trebui să
to shrink [riɳk] v. = a intra la apă/spălat
size [saiz] s. = mărime, măsură
to stop [stop] v. = a (se) opri
tomato [tə‘ma:təu] s. = roşie, tomată
T-shirt s. = tricou
to the left adv. = la stânga
vegetable [‘vedjtəbəl] s. = legumă
to walk [wo:k] v. = a merge pe jos
washable [‘woəbəl] adj. = care se spală, lavabil
to weigh [wei] v. = a cântări
whole wheat [həul wi:t] s. = în totalitate grâu
I’m sorry about that = Îmi pare rău despre asta.
basics = sugar, salt, pepper, flower, bread, milk, eggs
alimente de bază = zahăr, sare, piper, făină, pâine, lapte, ouă
How about…? = What do you think about…? = Ce spuneţi despre …?
Have you anything a little cheaper? = Aveţi ceva un pic mai ieftin?
It’s a bargain! = Este o afacere (un chilipir)!
That’s too dear. I can’t afford it. = Este prea scump. Nu-mi pot permite.
No, it’s not what I want. Can you show me something different? = Nu, nu este ce doresc. Puteţi să-mi arătaţi ceva diferit?
Condiţionalul Prezent
Exprimă acţiuni pe care le doreşti, ale căror realizare depinde de o condiţie. Această condiţie poţi să o exprimi sau nu.
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I would Would I I would not
You would Would you You would not
He would Would he He would not
She would Would she ? She would not
It would Would it It would not
We would Would we We would not
You would Would you You would not
They would Would they They would not
Scrie şi vorbeşte corect:
În engleza britanică la persoana I sg. şi plural, foloseşte-l, în loc de would, pe should. I should come (Aş veni) şi We should come (Am veni).
În limba vorbită, precum şti şi tu, trebuie să foloseşti formele scurte. La afirmativ, I’D [aid], YOU’D [yud], HE’D [hid], SHE’D, WE’D [wid], YOU’D [yud], THEY’D. La negativ forma scurtă a lui would not este WOULDN’T [wudnt]
Hai să conjugăm împreună verbul “to answer” - “a răspunde”:
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I would answer I would not answer Would I answer? Wouldn’t I answer?
You would answer You would not answer Would you answer? Wouldn’t you answer?
He would answer He would not answer Would he answer? Wouldn’t he answer?
She would answer She would not answer Would she answer? Wouldn’t she answer?
It would answer It would not answer Would it answer? Wouldn’t it answer?
We would answer We would not answer Would we answer? Wouldn’t we answer?
You would answer You would not answer Would you answer? Wouldn’t you answer?
They would answer They would not answer Would they answer? Wouldn’t they answer?
Citeşte următoarele exemple:
Aş vrea să câştig 1000 de dolari pe lună, dar trebuie să muncesc mai mult. I would like to make $1000 a month, but I have to work more.
Aş cumpăra maşina asta pentru că este mai comfortabilă. I would buy this car, because it is more comfortable.
Aş face o bază de date, dar nu ştiu cum. I would do a database, but I don not how.
Aş vrea o ceaşcă de ceai. I would like a cup of tea.
Aş vrea să îl cunosc pe primul ministru. I would like to meet the prime minister.
Verbele modale au forme proprii de condiţional:
CAN COULD aş putea să
MAY MIGHT s-ar putea să
MUST SHOULD ar trebui să
Formele de negativ:
Formează interogativul şi negativul ca şi cum l-ai folosi pe would.
If Conditional Rule
O construcţie tipică pe care o întâlneşti este aceea cu o propoziţie cu “if”, în care exprimi o condiţie după care urmează o propoziţie în care exprimi rezultatul (“then” îl poţi exprima sau este implicit).
If you take Interstate 85, (then) you’ll get there faster.
În acest tip ce propoziţie if introduce o afirmaţie ipotetică.
1. Când propoziţia condiţională (cu if) este la prezent, propoziţia rezultat (cu then) este la viitor sau prezent.
2. Când propoziţia condiţională (cu if) este la trecut, propoziţia rezultat (cu then) este la condiţionalul prezent.
If Clause Main Clause
Present Tense
If it becomes any hotter
If you need money
Future Tense or Present Tense
we will have to go swimming.
I will send you some.
Past Tense
If I had more time
If he were younger
Present Conditional
I would read this book.
he would ski every day.
Scrie şi vorbeşte corect:
Când foloseşti verbul “to be” după if, la timpul trecut, foloseşte “were” în loc de “was”.
Exercise #1
Scrie interogativul şi negativul următoarelor propoziţii:
1. I should go for a walk tonight.
2. He would buy that dictionary.
3. She would like to have dinner at a restaurant.
4. We should like to listen to music.
5. You would like to have a bite at a snack bar.
6. They would like to spend their holiday at the seaside.
7. I should like to meet him.
Exercise #2
Înlocuie infinitivul din paranteză cu timpul corespunzător:
1. I (to buy) the blouse, if it (to match) my brown skirt.
2. She (to try on) the dress, if it (to be) her size.
3. I (to wear) my new dress tonight, if I (to go) to the theatre.
4. If I (to have) a burglar alarm in my handbag, I (to not be afraid) of anybody.
5. If the manager (to be) here, he (to take the floor).
6. I (to resume) all the applications if I (to be) him.
7. If she (to have) a spare afternoon this week, he (to go) to the swimming pool.
8. If he (to ask for) money now, she (can) give it to him.
9. She (can) swim better, if she (to pay) more attention to her training.
10. If they (hang) the poster lower, people (to be able to) see the details.
Exercise #3
Continuă următoarele propoziţii:
1. I should buy this dress, if …
2. He would wear his new suit, if…
3. They will go to the cinema, if…
4. She would answer the letter, if…
5. You would type the letter yourself, if…
6. I should translate the article, if…
7. Tonight we will dine out, if…
8. She would go to the greengrocer’s, if…
9. We would know English grammar much better, if…
10. I should read this book, if…
11. We would get to our office earlier, if…
12. They would go to the swimming pool, if…
Exercise #4
Tradu în engleză:
1. Ai putea să-mi împrumuţi cartea aceea?
2. Aş vrea să luăm masa de seară la restaurant, ce zici?
3. S-ar putea ca ei să vină la tine mai târziu.
4. Ai putea să mă anunţi când vine şeful tău?
5. Ar trebui să faci un curs de management anul acesta!
6. Cred că ne-ar suna dacă ar vrea să vorbească cu noi.
7. Aş vrea ca băiatul meu să devină arhitect.
8. El ar putea să te ajute să termini proiectul.
9. Ar fi mai bine să comandăm prăjituri, în loc de îngheţată.
10. Aş merge la pescuit, vii şi tu?
Exercise #5
Transformă următoarele propoziţii, după model:
Model: I can go there if it is necessary.
I can’t go there unless it is necessary.
1. You can improve your English if you work hard.
2. Do that if I tell you to.
3. I will give you a good dinner if you come on time.
4. She will finish the exercises if you help her.
5. They will come if you invite them.
6. I would call on you if I knew you were at home.
7. I would bring my tape-recorder if they needed it.
8. We would make it if you gave us the right instructions.
9. Call her if you know what to tell her.
10. I would tell you the secret if I had their permission.
Exercise #6
Tradu în engleză şi transformă propoziţiile după model:
Model: Deschide uşa!
Open the door! Can you open the door?
Could you open the door? Would you open the door?
Would you mind opening the door?
1. Sună-mă mâine!
2. Închide televizorul!
3. Răspunde la telefon!
4. Lasă-mă în pace!
5. Adu-mi un pahar de apă!
6. Condu-l la uşă!
7. Ajută-mă!
8. Închide fereastra!
9. Vino aici!
10. Stai jos!
the Fishes, Feb. 19 – March 20 The planet Neptune rules Pisces, which is a water sign. Astrologers consider Pisceans to be sensitive, emotional, cheerful, impressionable, dreamy, creative, and mystical. Pisceans are also said to be idealistic and to make good listeners.