Ce este aceasta? (2)
Text: Biroul ei (3)
Expresii (3)
Vocabular (4)
Adjectivele posesive (5)
Pronumele si
adjectivele demostrative (5)
“exista, se afla, este, sunt”(6)
Verbul “a avea” la prezent (6)
Exercitii (7 – 8)
What is this?, What are that?, What are these?, What are those?
What is this?
This is a car. It is their car. What colour is their car?
Their car is red.
What are these?
These are chairs.
What kind of chairs?
They are office chairs.
What colour are the chairs?
One chair is blue and the other is black.
What is that, behind the men?
That is a map.
Is it a map of England?
No, it isn’t. It is a world map.
What is the colour of the continents?
The continents are grey.
What are those, on the American flag?
Those are stars.
What colour are the stars?
The stars are white.
Mrs. Alice Silverstone is a sales manager. She has a large and bright office. In her office, there are a lot of things: a desk, an office chair, a conference table with several chairs, a bookcase, a sofa and two armchairs, a map, a picture and a plant.
This is the door and that is the window. The door is closed and the window is open.
This is her desk. On the desk, there are files, some documents, a calculator and a computer with a printer, a desk lamp and the phone. These are pens and pencils.
This is the floor and that is the ceiling.
Is there a copier in the office? No, there isn’t.
Isn’t there a picture on the wall? Yes, there is.
There are many books in the bookcase, Romanian books and English books.
Are there many plants in the office? No, there aren’t. There is only one.
Thank you! = Mulţumesc.
You’re welcome. = Cu plăcere.
Thank you very much. = Mulţumesc foarte mult.
Anytime. = Oricând.
I appreciate your help. = Apreciez ajutorul tău.
My pleasure. = Cu plăcere. Plăcerea este a mea.
I’m much obliged to you. = Vă sunt foarte îndatorat.
Don’t mention it. = Cu plăcere.
I appreciate it. = Apreciez.
I am very grateful to you. = Vă sunt foarte recunoscător.
Not at all. = Cu plăcere.
That’s very kind of you! = Este foarte drăgut din partea ta.
That’s all right (OK).= Cu plăcere.
a lot of [ə lot əv] = a mulţime de
armchair [‘a:rm‘teər] s. = fotoliu
behind [bi‘haind] prep. = în spatele
black [blæk] adj. = negru
blue [blu:] adj. = albastru
book [buk] s. = carte
bookcase [‘buk keis] s. = bibliotecă
bright [brait] adj. = luminos
car [ka:r] s. = maşină
ceiling [‘si:liɳ] s. = tavan, plafon
chair [‘teər] s. = scaun
closed [kləuzd] adj. = închis
colour [‘kʌlər] s. = culoare
computer [kəm‘pyu:tər] s. = computer
conference [‘konfərəns] s. = conferinţă
continent [‘kontinənt] s. = continent
copier [‘kopiər] s. = copiator
desk [desk] s. = birou (mobilă)
document [‘dokyumənt] s. = document
door [do:r] s. = uşă
England [‘iɳglənd] s. = Anglia
English [‘iɳgli] adj. = englez(esc), britanic
expression [ik‘sprən] s. = expresie
file [fail] s. = dosar
flag [flæg] s. = steag
floor [flo:r] s. = podea, duşumea
grey [grei] adj. = gri
lamp [læmp] s. = lampă
large [la:rdj] adj. = mare, spaţios, larg
many [‘mæni] adj. = mulţi, multe
map [mæp] s. = hartă
men [men] s. = bărbaţi
office [‘ofis] s. = birou (cameră)
one [wʌn] pr. = un, o, unul, una, unu
only [‘əunli] adj. = numai, doar
open [əupən] adj. = deschis
pen [pen] s. = stilou, pix
pencil [‘pensəl] s. = creion
phone [fəun] s. = telefon
picture [‘piktər] s. = fotografie, tablou
plant [pla:nt] s. = plantă
printer [‘printər] s. = imprimantă
red [red] adj. = roşu
sales manager [seilz `mænidjər] s. = director de vânzări
several [‘sevrəl] adj. = mai mulţi, multe, câţiva, câteva
sofa [‘səufə] s. = canapea, sofa
star [sta:r] s. = stea
table [‘teibəl] s. = masă
to thank [æɳk] v. = a mulţumi
the other [i: ‘ʌər] adj. = celălalt
two [tu:] num. = doi, două
wall [wo:l] s. = perete
what [wot] pr. = ce?
white [wait] adj. = alb
window [‘windəu] s. = fereastră, geam
with [wi] prep. = cu
world [wə:rld] s. = lume, pământ
Adjectivele posesive
My [mai] meu, mea, mei, mele My boss is in a meeting.
Your [yuər] tău, ta, tăi, tale Your new shoes are comfortable.
His [hiz] său, sa, săi, sale, lui His uncle is an intelligent man.
Her [hər] său, sa, săi, sale, ei That is her desk.
Its [its] său, sa, săi, sale, lui, ei Its (room) windows are open.
Our [auər] nostru, noastră, noştri, noastre Our office is downtown.
Your [yuər] vostru, voastră, voştri, voastre Give me your new English books!
Their [eər] lor Their dresses are very smart.
Pentru că în engleză nu acorzi adjectivul în gen şi număr cu substantivul, vei folosi o singură formă a adjectivului posesiv pentru toate formele din română.
Nu uita să pui adjectivul posesiv în faţa substantivului.
Pronumele şi adjectivele demonstrative
Pronumele şi adjectivele demonstrative sunt: this [is, that [æt], these [i:z], those [əuz]
Ţine minte că acestea îşi schimbă forma în funcţie de numărul substantivului.
Adjectivele au aceeaşi formă cu pronumele. Dacă le pui lângă substantiv sunt adjective, dacă înlocuieşti un substantiv sunt pronume.
Adjectivele demonstrative
Here this
these acest, această, ăsta, asta
aceşti, aceste, ăştia, astea This file is black.
These documents are important.
There that
those acel, acea, ăla, aia
acei, acele, ăia, alea That desk is big.
Those chairs are comfortable.
Pronumele demonstrative
Here this
these acesta, aceasta, ăsta, asta
aceştia, acestea, ăştia, astea This is a file.
These are documents.
There that
those acela, aceea, ăla, aia
aceia, acelea, ăia, alea That is a desk.
Those are chairs.
Construcţiile “există”,
“se află”, “este”, “sunt”
There is [eər iz] îl foloseşti când spui “există, se află, se găseşte, este”.
There are [eər ar] îl foloseşti când spui “există, se află, se găsesc, sunt”.
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
Singular There is
There’s Is there (not)?
Isn’t there? There is not
There isn’t
There’s not
Plural There are
There’re Are there (not)?
Aren’t there? There are not
There aren’t
There’re not
În mod obişnuit ordinea cuvintelor înpropoziţie este SUBIECT + PREDICAT.
Atunci când pui subiectul după PREDICAT (verb) foloseşti aceste construcţii, pe care le pui înaintea subiectului logic al propoziţiei cu care le acorzi în număr.
There is one door and there are two windows in this room.
There is a clock on the wall.
There are three pictures on the wall.
I have [ai hæv] I’ve [aiv] Eu am
You have [yu: hæv] You’ve [yuv] Tu ai
He has [hi: hæz] He’s [hiz] El are
She has [ʃi: hæz] She’s [ʃiz] Ea are
It has [it hæz] It’s [its] El, ea are
We have [wi: hæv] We’ve [wiv] Noi avem
You have [yu: hæv] You’ve [yuv] Voi aveţi
They have [ei hæv] They’ve [eiv] Ei, ele au
I have not [ai hæv not] I’ve not [aiv not] I haven’t [ai hævnt] Eu nu am
You have not [yu: hæv not] You’ve not [yuv not] You haven’t [yu: hævnt] Tu nu ai
He has not [hi: hæz not] He’s not [hiz not] He hasn’t [hi: hæznt] El nu are
She has not [ʃi: hæz not] She’s not [ʃiz not] She hasn’t [ʃi: hæznt] Ea nu are
It has not [it hæz not] It’s not [its not] It hasn’t [it hæznt] El, ea nu are
We have not [wi: hæv not] We’ve not [wiv not] We haven’t [wi: hævnt] Noi nu avem
You have not [yu: hæv not] You’ve not [yuv not] You haven’t [yu: hævnt] Voi nu aveţi
They have not [ei hæv not] They’ve not [eiv not] They haven’t [ei hævnt] Ei, ele nu au
Have I? [hæv ai] Am eu?
Have you? [hæv yu:] Ai tu?
Has he? [hæz hi:] Are el?
Has she? [hæz ʃi:] Are ea?
Has it? [hæz it] Are el, ea?
Have we? [hæv wi:] Avem noi?
Have you? [hæv yu:] Aveţi voi?
Have they? [hæv ei] Au ei, ele?
Exercise #1
Foloseşte cuvintele date şi completează propoziţiile:
1. The plane is in the _____________ at
2. The ice-cream is on the ___________ on
3. The clock is _______ the ___________ under
4. His secretary is ________ her __________ desk
5. Our ship is ________ the sea. your
6. Where is _________ office? plate
7. Your bag is ________ the table. where
8. ___________ are my keys? its
9. Her car is parked ________ the street. sky
10. The train is ________ the station. in
11. What colour are ________ walls? wall
Exercise #2
Pune următoarele propoziţii la interogativ şi negativ.
1. That is a good answer.
2. This is a soft drink.
3. These are my keys.
4. Those documents are very important.
5. That is an underground station.
6. Those pictures are very interesting.
7. This restaurant is more expensive.
8. That is Romania’s map.
9. These books are very thick.
10. Those apartments are on the 2nd floor.
Exercise #3
Tradu în engleză:
1. Ce este asta? Aceasta este servieta mea.
2. Ce sunt acestea? Acestea sunt dosarele lui.
3. Ce sunt aceia? Aceia sunt munţi. Sunt aproape? Sunt sunt tare departe.
4. Este fereasta aceea deschisă?
5. Ce flori sunt acelea de pe masă? Pe masă sunt trandafiri.
6. Sunt 2 birouri la etajul acela.
7. Sunt o mulţime de oameni pe stradă.
8. Vreau să cumpăr imprimanta aceea şi calculatorul acela.
9. Este doar un singur telefon în acest birou.
10. În firma lor sunt peste 20 de angajaţi.
Exercise #4
Completează spaţiile libere cu forma corespunzătoare a verbului “to be”:
1. There ____ a lot of documents on the desk.
2. There ____ a whiteboard in the classroom.
3. There ____ a lot of pictures on the walls.
4. There ____ a sofa in the office.
5. There ____ many chairs in this room.
6. There ____ pens and pencils on the desks.
7. There ____ a map on the wall.
8. There ____ a lot of plants at the window.
Exercise #5
Completează spaţiile goale cu forme corecte ale verbului “to have”:
1. This room ___ four walls.
2. Those students ___ new dictionaries.
3. That schoolboy ___ a new pen.
4. Mrs. Smith ___ a new smart dress
5. ___ your house many rooms?
6. All the students ___ their exercise books on their desks.
Exercise #6
Pune următoarele propoziţii la interogativ şi negativ:
1. We have a new English teacher
2. My son has a computer.
3. You all have good dictionaries.
4. Mary has a new smart suit.
5. The student has a map.
6. They have a library next to their office.
Exercise #7
Formează propoziţii cu următoarele cuvinte şi expresii:
tall = înalt
short = scund, scurt
young = tânăr
old = bătrân
office = birou
manager = director
not far from = nu departe de…
one or two = unul sau doi
only one = doar unul
near the window = lângă fereastră