Utilizarea telefonului (2)
Stabilirea unei intalniri (2)
Cum lasi un mesaj (3)
Vocabular (3)
Pronumele personale
in cazul Acuzativ si Dativ (4)
Pronumele si adjectivele
interogative (5)
Exercitii (6)
Zodiac – Balanta (7)
Cuvinte incrucisate (7)
Proverbe (8)
Mrs. Melanie Smith, after a long travel, arrives to her hotel. She checks in and goes to her room. Here she decides she should call home.
Switchboard Operator: How may I help you?
Mrs. Smith: I’d like to make an international call, please.
Switchboard Operator: You can dial directly from your room if you like.
Mrs. Smith: I’m sorry, I don’t understand what to do.
Switchboard Operator: Just hang up, then dial 011, your country and city codes, and your number.
Mrs. Smith: Thanks for your help.
Switchboard Operator: You’re welcome. Would you like to charge the call to your room or pay with a credit card?
Mrs. Smith: To my room.
Switchboard Operator: All right. I’ll take care of it for you. Have a nice evening.
Mrs. Melanie Smith dials the correct number and waits several seconds until her call goes through.
Secretary: Good morning, Herschel, Cleaver, and Young.
You: I’d like to speak with Mr. Young, please.
Secretary: Who’s calling, please?
You: I’m related to Stephanie Garner. Mr. Young asked me to get in touch when I arrived in the U.S.
Secretary: Please hold.
After a minute or two, Mr. Young picks up the phone. You introduce yourself and he replies.
Mr. Young: I’m looking forward to meeting you. Can you come by tomorrow, at 10 a.m.?
You: Yes, I think so. Where are you located?
Mr. Young: Our offices are just behind the State Capitol building. You can walk here from your hotel.
You: What time should I leave the hotel?
Mr. Young: Oh, maybe around 9.30. It should only take you about twenty minutes on foot.
You: Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.
Operator: Good afternoon, AFC Electronics, How can I help you?
Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: Good afternoon! Please, I would like to speak to Mr. Howell, his extension is 701.
Operator: Hang on…Still trying to connect you…Ringing for you…
Secretary: Hello! Mr. Howell’s office.
Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: Hello, this is Pietro Ruggeri. Is Mr. Howell there?
Secretary: No, he isn’t. He’s out for the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: Yes. Would you let him know that I called?
Secretary: Yes, of course. Could you tell me again your name and phone number?
Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: My name is Pietro Ruggeri and my phone number is 555-3456.
Secretary: Can you spell your name, please?
Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: Certainly. That’s P-I-E-T-R-O space R-U-double G-E-R-I.
Secretary: Thank you very much and have a nice day!
Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: You, too. Goodbye!
about [ə‘baut] adv. = cam, aproximativ
after [‘a:ftər] prep. = după
appointment [ə‘pointmənt] s. = întâlnire
around [ə‘raund] adv. = în jur de
to arrive to [ə‘raiv tə] v. = a ajunge la
to ask [a:sk] v. = a întreba, a ruga
to be related to [ri‘leitid tə] v. = a fi înrudit cu
building [‘bildiɳ] s. = clădire
to call [ko:l] v. = a telefona, a chema, s. = convorbire telefonică
certainly [‘sə:rtənli] adv. = sigur, desigur
to charge to [ta:rdj] v. = a trece plata pe
to check in [‘tek ‘in] v. = a se prezenta (la hotel)
city [siti] s. = oraş
code [kəud] s. = cod, prefix
to come by [‘kʌm bai] v. = a vizita
to connect to [kə‘nekt] v. = a conecta cu
correct [kə‘rect] adj. = corect, exact
country [‘kʌntri] s. = ţară
credit card [‘kredit ‘ka:rd] s. = carte de credit
to decide [di‘said] v. = a (se) hotări, decide
to dial [‘daiəl] v. = a forma (un număr)
directly [dai‘rektli] adv. = direct
extension [ik‘stenən] s. = extensie, derivaţie
for [fo:r] prep. = pentru
to get in touch [‘get ‘in tʌt] v. = a lua legătura
to go through [‘gəu ‘ru:] v. = a merge până la capăt
to hang up [‘hæɳ ‘ʌp] v. = a pune (receptorul) în furcă
home [həum] adv. = acasă
international [intər‘næənəl] adj. = internaţional
just behind [‘dʌjst bi‘haind] = chiar în spatele
to leave a message [li:v ə ‘mesidj] = a lăsa un mesaj
located [ləu‘keitid] adj. = amplasat, aşezat
maybe [‘mei bi:] adv. = poate (că), posibil
number [‘nʌmbər] s. = număr
on foot [on fut] adv. = mers pe jos
to pay [pei] v. = a plăti
to pick up [‘pik ‘ʌp] v. = a ridica
to reply [ri‘plai] v. = a răspunde, a replica
to ring [riɳ] v. = a suna
second [‘sekənd] s. = secundă, clipă
several [‘sevrəl] adj. = mai mulţi, mai multe
should [‘ud] = ar trebui, ar fi cazul
to speak to [spi:k tə] v. = a vorbi cu
to spell [spel] v. = a pronunţa literă cu literă
State Capitol [‘steit ‘kæpitəl]
to take care of [‘teik ‘keər əv] v. = a avea grijă de
to [tu:] prep., conj. = la, să
to try [trai] v. = a încerca
travel [‘trævəl] s. = călătorie
to understand [ʌndər‘stænd] v. = a înţelege, a pricepe
until [ʌn‘til] prep. = până la, conj. = până ce
to wait (for) [weit] v. = aştepta (pe cineva, ceva)
to walk [wo:k] v. = a merge pe jos
what [wot] pr. = (ceea) ce
Cazul Dativ răspunde la întrebarea cui?, iar Acuzativul la întrebarea pe cine?, cu cine?.
Cazului Dativ îi corespunde complementul indirect, iar cazului Acuzativ complementul direct.
Nominativ Acuzativ
(pe cine?) Dativ
I me pe mine, mă (to) me mie, îmi, mi
You you pe tine, te, pe dvs. (to) you ţie, îţi, ţi, dvs.
He him pe el, îl (to) him lui, îi, i
She her pe ea, o (to) her ei, i
It it pe el, îl, pe ea, o (to) it lui, îi, ei, i
We us pe noi, ne (to) us nouă, ne, ni
You you pe voi, vă, pe dvs (to) you vouă, vă, vi, dvs.
They them pe ei, îi, pe ele, le (to) them lor, le, li
Citeşte cu voce tare următoarele exemple:
I write a letter to her! Îi scriu o scrisoare! (cui?, D)
I write her a letter! Îi scriu o scrisoare! (cui?, D)
Lend me your dictionary! Împrumută-mi dicţionarul tău! (cui?, D)
You can see him in this photo Îl poţi vedea în această fotografie. (pe cine? Ac)
Did she tell you what happened? Ţi-a spus ce s-a întâmplat? (cui? D)
Let us know when you come back! Anunţă-ne când te întorci! (pe cine? Ac)
Show them what they have to do. Arată-le ce trebuie să facă. (cui? D)
Scrie şi vorbeşte corect:
1. Ţine minte că în engleză ordinea cuvintelor in propoziţiile afirmative este SUBIECT + PREDICAT + COMPLEMENT INDIRECT (cui?) + COMPLEMENT DIRECT (ce?)
2. Când pui complementul direct înaintea celui indirect nu mai foloseşti prepoziţia “to” înaintea lui. Studiază primele două exemple.
3. Nu incurca situaţiile când trebuie să-l foloseşti pe “I” şi situaţiile în care trebuie să-l foloseşti pe “me”. Adu-ţi întotdeauna aminte că “I” este subiect şi “me” este complement.
Mary and me go to the Fair.
Mary and I go to the Fair. The manager speaks to Mary and I.
The manager speaks to Mary and me.
Scrie pentru fiecare propoziţie ce este pronumele: subiect sau complement.
Aceste reguli trebuie să le respecţi în mod obligatoriu în engleza oficială.
Totuşi în vorbirea obişnuită, de zi cu zi, nu eşti obligat să foloseşti engleza oficială.
Foloseşte pronumele şi adjectivele interogative în propoziţiile interogative.
Ţine minte că înlocuieşti substantivele cu pronumele interogative, iar cu adjectivele interogative te referi la substantive.
Îl foloseşti numai pentru persoane şi înlocuieşti substantivul.
N who? cine? Who is coming tomorrow? (pron.)
Cine vine mâine?
G whose? al, a, ai, ale cui? Whose books are those? (adj.)
Ale cui cărţi sunt acelea?
Whose are those books? (pron.)
Ale cui sunt cărţile acelea?
D (to) whom? cui? I do not remember to whom I gave my pen. (pron.)
Nu-mi amintesc cui i-am dat pixul meu.
Ac whom?
who? pe cine? Whom do you speak to? (pron.)
Who do you speak to? (pron.)
Cu cine vorbeşti?
What? - Ce?/Care?
Foloseşte-l atât pentru persoane, cât şi pentru lucruri şi animale:
What is she? Ce este ea? (pron.)
What poet is your favourite? Ce poet este favoritul tău? (adj.)
What can you see in this picture? Ce vezi în acest tablou? (pron.)
What colour is your car? Ce culoare este maşina ta? (adj.)
What comes next? Ce urmează? (pron.)
What happened? Ce s-a întâmplat? (pron.)
Which (of) - Care?/Pe care?
Foloseşte-l pentru persoane, lucruri şi animale.
Ţine minte că implică întotdeauna o selecţie.
Which of you will go with me? Care/Cine din voi vrea să meargă cu mine?
Which of these apples do you prefer? Ce/Care măr preferi din acestea?
Which text must I read? Pe care dintre texte trebuie să-l citesc?
Which gentleman is your boss? Care dintre domni este şeful tău?
Which painting do you think is the most beautiful? Care tablou crezi că este cel mai frumos?
Which one is your brother? Care este fratele tău?
Exercise #1
Înlocuie cuvintele subliniate cu pronume. Schimbă ordinea cuvintelor acolo unde este posibil:
1. Ask the students another question.
2. Thank the teacher for the dictionary.
3. Diana must give an answer to Mrs. White.
4. I must thank my boss for my salary raise.
5. We must show the children their room.
6. Ask John and Nick where is that shop!
7. Helen and Tommy must show the pictures to John
8. Don’t lend Nick and Ann your books.
Exercise #2
Completează spaţiile libere cu prepoziţii:
1. Which ____ these ladies is your friend?
2. ____ whom must you give my address?
3. Whom can you see ____ this picture?
4. Give it ____ me, please!
5. ____ picture number two I can see my Jane and Tom.
6. They are _____ the park.
7. I can see studying ____ the library.
8. Which _____ these students can answer the question?
Exercise #3
Fill in the gaps with pronouns in Accusative and Dative Case:
1. White a letter to ________ (her)!
2. Lend ______ (I) your dictionary!
3. Ask _______ (he) another question!
4. I can see _________ (they) in the picture!
5. Don’t ask ______ (we) some many questions!
6. Give ________ (them) an example, please!
7. Give _________ (we) an answer to our letter!
8. Thank _________ (she) for the call!
9. Show _________ (I) your car!
Exercise #4
Scrie forma corectă a pronumelui în spaţiile libere:
1. I want … (he) to lend … (I) a few books.
2. I don’t expect … (she) to be back before 6 o’clock.
3. Try to make (she) to change her mind.
4. She needs … (he) to help … (she).
5. We consider … (you) to be our best friends.
6. What do you want … (we) to do?
7. I wish … (she) to stay with my children tonight.
8. Peter asked … (you) to give … (he) a ring.
9. Let … (them) do it.
10. I asked … (she) to introduce … (I) to Professor Smith.
Exercise #5
Completează spaţiile cu pronume interogative:
1. … is he?
2. … are you doing here?
3. … colour is your car?
4. … results are better?
5. … name is that?
6. … dog is this?
7. … does the pencil belong to?
8. … club is the oldest in the town?
9. … is that handbag?
10. To … must you give the address?
11. … is your friend, an economist or a doctor?
12. … is he like?
13. … of these ladies is your teacher?
14. … can you see in the park?
Exercise #6
1. Cine este prietenul tău?
2. Cum arată ea?
3. Care dintre genţi o vrei?
4. Pe cine vedeţi în poza aceea?
5. Cui îi trimiţi această scrisoare?
6. Ale cui sunt cărţile acelea de pe raft?
7. Care dintre colegi este prietenul tău?
8. A cui este clădirea aceea?
the Balance, Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 The planet Venus rules Libra, which is an air sign. According to astrologers, Libras have diplomatic, refined, intelligent, thoughtful, warm, and social natures. Although Libras like to take leadership roles, their need to be fair and to please everyone equally can make it difficult for them to make decisions.
A – B: Limbi străine
A penny saved is a penny gained.
Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.
Youth and age will never agree.
Respect a man he will do more.
Who lives by hope will die by hunger.
A wise man changes his mind, a fool – never.